Hi Leo,
We already solved the problem by replacing listen address with a
specific one.
On 2018-11-03 14:39, Leo Vandewoestijne wrote:
Here's the FreeBSD portmaintainer;
before last update I briefly ran ccTLD zones using what's now the
current port - like you, also in jails.
So I'm 100% sure that that works fine - also on 11.2
Beside :53 being open, does `sockstat -4 -l` truly list "knot" ..?
Timeouts happen to me only with GB's large zones and slow AXFR (or
lack of patience).
Maybe your zone isn't loaded?
Or if the zone is local -I don't know by head if it's needed- maybe a
`chown -R knot:knot /path/to/zonedir` ...?
If you found the problem/mistake/solution, then please let us know.
Met vriendelijke groet,
With kind regards,
Leo Vandewoestijne
On Fri, 02 Nov 2018, Thomas Belian wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to switch to KnotDNS on my private zone (bt909.de). I've
> installed the knot2 port as binary package within a FreeBSD jail. I
> configured my zones and zone transfer works fine, but KnotDNS didn't
> answer any query. I have a acl for the zone transfer, is there
> anything I need to do, that knot answers my queries? Knot is running,
> I found nothing in the logs, even the port ist open, but Knot just
> does nothing and my queries run into timeouts.
> I tried NSD in the same jail, which works fine, but I want to use
> KnotDNS.
> Regards, Thomas
> --
> Thomas Belian;
> --