My knot 3.4.3 gives me following notice :
notice: config, policy 'rail_policy' depends on default nsec3-salt-length=8, since version 3.5 the default becomes 0
In order to avoid problems when .5 will arrive, I see 2 possibilities:
* add an explicit nsec3-salt-length=8 to my policy
* add an explicit nsec3-salt-length=0 to my policy and resign the
From https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-dnsop-nsec3-guidance-10.html#nam…
I understand that 0 should be the new configuration, but what are the
risks (considering eg. DNS caches) if I change the policy of the zone?
I only have small zones, with very few dynamic changes, which I can
delay for the time of the TTL if needed.
Erwan David
I'm running an instance of knotd for testing. It is installed with the
official ubuntu debian package from kont-dns.cz. When I start the knot
service, using systemctl, it takes a very long time to start up
(sometimes 30 min). This seems to be related to the systemd unit which
is set to type 'notify', and the fact that knot after starting up
wants to re-sign all the zones which needs that before notifying. If I
change the type to 'simple' or 'forked' (together with the knotd -d
option), the start command returns more immediately. My test system
has about 800 zonefiles in it. A large number of them want to be
re-signed after each startup.
My question is, what is the recommended way to start, stop and restart
the server? Also, after starting I cannot find the /run/knot/knot.sock
file, which is needed when stopping the service with 'knotc stop'.
Knot version: 3.4.1-cznic.1~focal (debian package from knot-dns.cz)
OS: Linux 5.4.0/Ubuntu 20.04 Focal amd64.
Kind regards,
Erik Østlyngen
Hello Daniel,
Are the EPEL packages no longer available (?), I'm stuck at 3.3.9. There have
been no updates since then. Or can you download the .rpm from somewhere else
mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards
Günther J. Niederwimmer
Hi all,
we are using dynamic updates for solving ACME challenges. My goal is to
restrict the key used for this as much as possible. However, I find it a
bit difficult to do so while keeping the required flexibility. Maybe
someone has some good recommendations for this?
The key is already restricted to TXT records, so that's good.
In a nutshell, I'd like to allow only "_acme-challenge.example.com" and
"_acme-challenge.*.example.com". However, the latter cannot be expressed
in the current config format.
I would be fine allowing "*.example.com", if I could just deny a select
few names (SPF, DKIM). But AFAICT, the "deny" option only works on
action, key, and address, now owner matching. Is there any other way to
achieve something like this?
Thanks a lot,