On 2018-08-08 10:59, Aleš Rygl wrote:
I have an issue with a zone where KNOT is slave server. I am not able
to transfer a zone: refresh, failed (no usable master). BIND is able
to transfer this zone and with host command AXFR works as well. There
are more domains on this master and the others are working. The thing
is that I can see in Wireshark that the AXFR is started, zone transfer
starts and for some reason KNOT after the 1st ACK to AXFR response
terminates the TCP connection with RST resulting in AXFR fail. AXFR
response is spread over several TCP segments.
On how many interfaces is the server listening? Don't you need to set
https://www.knot-dns.cz/docs/2.7/singlehtml/index.html#via ?
I can provide traces privately.
KNOT 2.6.7-1+0~20180710153240.24+stretch~1.gbpfa6f52
Thanks for help.
Ales Rygl