Ahoj Mariane,
currently there is no plan for implementation of multi-signer dnssec solution. As you
surely know, it's not easy to implement it.
And still we don't have a clear idea how to deal with this requirement.
What is your intention for having more signers? Online signing, hot-spare signer, or
higher signing performance?
On 5/31/21 5:04 PM, Kadziolka, Marian wrote:
are there any plans to implement some multi-singner/multi-master dnsssec
capabilities/solution? As far as i understand, there is no possibility to run two or more
Knot servers with automatic key management [1] where all the servers use the same dnssec
Manual key management [2] can be used, but all the dnssec key automation of Knot will be
lost. KASP DB sharing [3] or active and backup signer [4] is not a real multi-master
solution. Some ideas:
* Multi-Signer DNSSEC Models
* DNSSEC automation
Or do you have any ideas/recommendations how to create multi-master dnssec setup and keep
automatic key management [1]?
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company and what are the signing procedures can be found