On Thu, 27 Feb 2025, Libor Peltan wrote:
Thanks for this. I am not using the same dnspython features, but this
did prompt me to look further.
I now see I was confused and share some more notes below:
On 26. 02. 25 23:49, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> 1) OPT record with the requestors pay load size (class 1232) and edns rcode
> and flags (all zeros ttl), then 00 rdlength and 00 rdata field.
> 2) then 28 bytes I don't understand such as:
Ahhh I now realize the knot was sending multiple DNS responses in the
same packet.
The OPT record above was in the additional section and then:
> 40 11be dc80 0000 0101 fa00 0000 01
40 11 == new response starts and indicates TCP 16401 bytes
then begins the header again:
be dc == txid 48860
80 00 == flags 1000000000000000 QR set and all rest is unset
00 01 == query count 1
01 fa == answer count 506
00 00 == auth section count zero
00 01 == addition section count 1 (the OPT record)
> 3) then an IXFR record
because that is the question again
So I had interspersed responses for the AXFR.
So thanks for suggesting I look at dnspython.
Does anyone know what RFC clearly explains about multiple DNS messages
in a single response?
And where is the knot code that divides up long responses into separate
DNS messages?
Again I saw this in the same TCP packets. And from multiple tcpdumps
from BIND named I never saw this behavior. So I am curious.
I will now look into my dnspython to see why it doesn't continue with
the next DNS message (starting with the TCP count, DNS header, question
section.) I'd like to know what RFC is clear about this behavior.