today I had a long power outage that stopped my primary server for a
dozen hours
When I re-started the server, some zones refused to start :
Feb 12 21:55:17 arrakeen knotd[20728]: info: [geekwu.org.] DNSSEC, signing zone
Feb 12 21:55:17 arrakeen knotd[20728]: error: [geekwu.org.] zone event 're-sign' failed (invalid parameter)
the invalid parameter was there was no active KSK for these zones, as a
keymgr list show
b37b6c2[...] 39945 KSK ECDSAP384SHA384 publish=1636966605 active=1637053005
7cc8622[...] 20799 ZSK ECDSAP384SHA384 created=1706695010
After manually setting published & active status in keygmr, reloading
these zones succeeded, and knot restarted to serve them.
Do you know how these zone could has failed as this ? They run fine on
auto-sign for years now. should I monitor closely the ones that need a
re-sign tomorrow ?
after successful migration of my hidden primary NSD and OpenDNSSEC signer to Knot DNS, I started to migrate my secondary NSDs to Knot DNS as well.
Thanks to excellent documentation this migration went more or less flawless as well.
BUT: I am somehow irritated about the following error messages at my hidden primary like:
2024-02-16T10:54:08+0100 debug: [ellael.org.] ACL, allowed, action transfer, remote, key primary-secondary.
2024-02-16T10:54:08+0100 info: [ellael.org.] AXFR, outgoing, remote TCP, started, serial 2024021331
2024-02-16T10:54:08+0100 info: [ellael.org.] AXFR, outgoing, remote TCP, finished, 0.00 seconds, 1 messages, 7774 bytes
2024-02-16T10:54:09+0100 debug: [ellael.org.] ACL, allowed, action notify, remote, key primary-secondary.
2024-02-16T10:54:09+0100 info: [ellael.org.] notify, incoming, remote TCP, serial 2024021331
>>>! 2024-02-16T10:54:09+0100 error: [ellael.org.] zone event 'refresh' failed (operation not supported)
The log files at both secondary are identical, here one example:
2024-02-16T10:54:08+0100 info: [ellael.org.] AXFR, incoming, remote TCP, finished, 0.00 seconds, 1 messages, 7774 bytes
2024-02-16T10:54:08+0100 info: [ellael.org.] refresh, remote, zone updated, 0.03 seconds, serial none -> 2024021331,\
expires in 1209600 seconds
2024-02-16T10:54:08+0100 info: [ellael.org.] zone file updated, serial 2024021331
>>>! 2024-02-16T10:54:09+0100 info: [ellael.org.] notify, outgoing, remote TCP, serial 2024021331
FYI: Those errors are only logged when a zone gets updated or using "knotc zone-notify" at the secondary site.
Here are my essential config excerpts:
key: primary-secondary
action: [notify, transfer]
- id: secondaryKBN
key: primary-secondary
address: # KBN secondary
via: # outgoing interface
key: primary-secondary
action: [notify, transfer]
- id: primaryMWN
key: primary-secondary
address: # MWN hidden primary
via: # outgoing interface
block-notify-after-transfer: on
FYI: Only adding "block-notify-after-transfer: on" at secondary sites stopped those error messages.
I found https://www.mail-archive.com/knot-dns-users@lists.nic.cz/msg01812.html :
"I recommend not using this option unless you really know what you're doing
and why this option is essential for you."
#) I do have to admit, I don't understand what is going on without "block-notify-after-transfer: on"?
#) Am I save in using "block-notify-after-transfer: on"?
#) Or is the another config option?
Thanks in advance and regards,
Hello fellow Knot users,
We're using Knot on some of our public authoritative servers. We operate a hidden primary configuration where there are two internal primary servers sending notifies to publicly accessible servers whenever zones change (ofc internal servers allow zone transfers & queries from the knot servers).
By design, our hidden internal primary servers operate in a hot/cold setup - one of them is answering to zone transfers / sending out notifies and the other one is not (dns server software is not running on the cold server).
This configuration causes knot to log alarming errors:
Feb 1 17:28:45 ns2 knotd[624]: info: [zone.fi.] refresh, remote, remote serial 2021083015, zone is up-to-date, expires in 864000 seconds
Feb 1 17:28:45 ns2 knotd[624]: info: [zone.fi.] refresh, remote hidden-ns-2.internal, address, failed (connection reset)
Feb 1 17:28:45 ns2 knotd[624]: info: [zone.fi.] refresh, remote hidden-ns-2.internal, address [ipv6_address]@8054, failed (connection reset)
Feb 1 17:28:45 ns2 knotd[624]: warning: [zone.fi.] refresh, remote hidden-ns-2.internal not usable
Feb 1 17:28:45 ns2 knotd[624]: error: [zone.fi.] refresh, failed (no usable master), next retry at 2024-02-01T17:58:45+0200
Feb 1 17:28:45 ns2 knotd[624]: error: [zone.fi.] zone event 'refresh' failed (no usable master)
Specifically, error "(no usable master)" is worrying - knot is able to reach hidden-ns-1.internal and verify that the zone it has is up-to-date. Also zone updates work normally and the zones don't seem to expire away (as zones should do if no master is reachable for an extended period of time).
Looks like this error appeared in version 3.3.0. 3.2.9 did not log similar errors (except in cases where all primaries really were unreachable). Has there been some design change in 3.3.0 (ie is this intentional) or could this be a bug? Or could it be related to our configuration?
Our configuration relies heavily on templates. These should be the important bits from knot's config, with ipv6 addresses hidden:
- id: "hidden-ns-1.internal"
address: [, ipv6_address ]
action: notify
- id: "hidden-ns-2.internal"
address: [, ipv6_address ]
action: notify
- id: "hidden-ns-1.internal"
address: [, ipv6_address@8054 ]
via: [ x.x.x.x, ipv6_address ]
- id: "hidden-ns-2.internal"
address: [, ipv6_address@8054 ]
via: [ x.x.x.x, ipv6_address ]
- id: default
storage: /var/lib/knot/zones
master: hidden-ns-1.internal
master: hidden-ns-2.internal
acl: hidden-ns-1.internal
acl: hidden-ns-2.internal
semantic-checks: false
global-module: mod-rrl/default
- domain: zone.fi
Juha Suhonen
Senior Systems Specialist
CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy
I wonder if it would be possible that one may use arithmetics in knot.conf such as:
propagation-delay: 5 * dnskey-ttl
I'd like to set a propagation-delay safety net during ZSK rotations depending on SOA TTL set for any given zone.
As dnskey-ttl defaults to zone SOA TTL that would allow for propagation-delay definitions as multiples of SOA TTLs.
As I couldn't find that in the documentation, I do assume that this cannot be done, right?
Are there alternatives at hand I overlooked?
I'm evaluating the Knot DNS server as a DNSSEC signer engine. I'm
currently running version 3.2.6 together with SoftHSM version 2.6.1 on
an Ubuntu 20.04 linux server.
Now I have a problem with keymgr crashing with a segmentation fault
and dumping core. This happens with some of the commands of keymgr,
but not all (the command keymgr -l runs fine). The commands 'keymgr
trondheim.no list' produces the correct output, but then crashes.
/var/log/apport.log indicates that a dbus session is missing in the
ERROR: apport (pid 811054) Tue Jun 13 07:56:00 2023: called for pid
811052, signal 11, core limit 0, dump mode 2
ERROR: apport (pid 811054) Tue Jun 13 07:56:00 2023: not creating core
for pid with dump mode of 2
ERROR: apport (pid 811054) Tue Jun 13 07:56:00 2023: executable:
/usr/sbin/keymgr (command line "keymgr trondheim.no list")
ERROR: apport (pid 811054) Tue Jun 13 07:56:00 2023:
is_closing_session(): no DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in environment
ERROR: apport (pid 811054) Tue Jun 13 07:56:00 2023: apport: report
/var/crash/_usr_sbin_keymgr.0.crash already exists and unseen,
skipping to avoid disk usage DoS
Running the command as 'dbus-run-session keymgr trondheim.no list' gives:
ERROR: apport (pid 811174) Tue Jun 13 08:01:04 2023: called for pid
811173, signal 11, core limit 0, dump mode 2
ERROR: apport (pid 811174) Tue Jun 13 08:01:04 2023: not creating core
for pid with dump mode of 2
ERROR: apport (pid 811174) Tue Jun 13 08:01:04 2023: executable:
/usr/sbin/keymgr (command line "keymgr trondheim.no list")
ERROR: apport (pid 811174) Tue Jun 13 08:01:04 2023:
is_closing_session(): Could not determine DBUS socket.
ERROR: apport (pid 811174) Tue Jun 13 08:01:04 2023: apport: report
/var/crash/_usr_sbin_keymgr.0.crash already exists and unseen,
skipping to avoid disk usage DoS
I've tried to run the command as root and as the knot user, and I have
to admit that I'm not very familiar with how to manage dbus sessions.
I want to run the keymgr command from cron or from some other system
shell, for periodically monitoring the keys. However, I'm unsure why
keymgr wants to communicate on the dbus. Is it possible to disable this?
Erik Østlyngen
I am still very new to knot ;-)
FYI: This is Knot DNS 3.3.3 because 3.3.4 hasn't been shown up in FreeBSD's ports collectioon, yet.
Here are my settings regarding dnssec policy:
- id: ecdsa
algorithm: ecdsap256sha256
ksk-lifetime: 3650d
zsk-lifetime: 330d
propagation-delay: 1d
nsec3: on
cds-cdnskey-publish: rollover
Whatever I tell nsec3, either "on" or "true", only NSEC RR are generated, no NSEC3.
dns> grep -i nsec3 zones/ellael.org
dns> grep -i nsec zones/ellael.org
3600 IN RRSIG NSEC 13 2 3600 20240226084528 20240212071528 9562 ellael.org. fkpFcgkVq8ZRZT0GX5kVcfPZBB5S/2Gvh4XqrkrywbZXFKiCttYqCX7rBdJSbyem5G8Bxg1LKaxu7LrIoxtyVA==
3600 IN RRSIG NSEC 13 3 3600 20240226084528 20240212071528 9562 ellael.org. R7Pz2JuKi7vQDe0KMt29NHGtKvuEnH2LPKcxTWLP9HyfuMxJx4BEyPE6i+JAw8RxfSIqWAcV/KMyCHaLgFtXXw==
3600 IN NSEC _token._dnswl.ellael.org. TXT RRSIG NSEC
3600 IN RRSIG NSEC 13 4 3600 20240226084528 20240212071528 9562 ellael.org. 3oUCWWTH2s9oH/Ea0b+MDrrQcOEuTbwx1iEuXaLq7wFribrnIGY8JeeiE3TO59n1lckKm4hia+2ox324xoxCzA==
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance and kind regards,
I am very new to Knot [1].
Excerpts from my knot.conf:
ksk-lifetime: 3650d
zsk-lifetime: 330d
propagation-delay: 1d
dns> knotc zone-status ellael.org
[ellael.org.] role: master | serial: 2024021201 | re-sign: +12D8h42m21s
I am a bit puzzled by that "re-sign: +12D8h42m21s".
Does that mean "time until newly issued signatures" and becomes triggered by default "rrsig-lifetime: 14d" value?
If so, I am very much relieved, if not, what is going on, then?
Here is my question:
How can I find out the dates for upcoming KSK or ZSK rollovers?
This I couldn't find in the documentation, sorry.
Thanks and regards,
I've been bitten by that subtle bug in mailing list processing system ;-) My questions regarding migration strategy has become obsolete in the meantime, because I managed to migrate successfully. Thanks to the great documentation of Knot I could help myself ;-)
Subject: GUI Frontends for Knot DNS Server
Good day from Singapore,
Are there any GUI frontends for configuring Knot DNS Server?
I prefer GUI configuration interface. It is more efficient than
command line interface (CLI).
Thank you.
Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Targeted Individual in Singapore
Running knot-resolver 5.6.0-1 amd64 (latest available via apt) on
debian-12 bookworm, fully upgraded.
systemctl start kresd@1 fails to run.
systemctl status kresd@1 shows the following errors:
[system] error while loading config:
...b/x86_64-linux-gnu/knot-resolver/kres_modules/policy.lua:378: bad
argument #1 to 'create' (table expected, got nil) (workdir
Here is my kresd.conf. It had been running ok for a long time ( I don't
recall making any changes) :
- Default empty Knot DNS Resolver configuration in -*- lua -*-
-- Bind ports as privileged user (root) --
net = { '' }
-- Switch to unprivileged user --
-- Unprivileged
-- cache.size = 100*MB
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.FLAGS({'NO_CACHE'}), internalDomains))
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.STUB({''}), internalDomains))
-- multiple servers can be specified for a single slice
-- the one with lowest round-trip time will be used
{'', hostname='dns.quad9.net'},
{'', hostname='dns.quad9.net'},
All help is greatly appreciated,
Mike Wright