I've setup knot to AXFR 24 zones from our MS domain controllers but
three zones fail mysteriously. After enabling debug logging
knot adds additional line with the reason - 'trailing data'.
In the pcap file created with tcpdump I see that our server starts to
send TCP resets in the middle of the transfer.
Each time resets are sent after downloading approximately the same
amount of data, this amount differ for each zone (81kb for one, 49kb for
the second).
I am able to download the zone with dig or kdig. We also have a
different server with powerdns which is able to download the zones
without problems.
I've also tried to setup different server (with bind9) serving one of
the zones and have knot to download it from there. It worked just fine.
I can send the log file snippet (with zone name and ip addresses) as
well as the pcap file off the record.
Could you, please, help me with solving this problem?
Thank you,
Petr Baloun
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