For many months now, we've been preparing new signers for our internal
zones and eventually .is.
We've got the first of our test zones live on the production signers,
but some things are troubling us.
This is the config we're using for zones:
- id: default
semantic-checks: on
storage: "/usr/local/etc/knot"
file: "zones/unsigned/%s/%s-soa"
serial-policy: dateserial
zonefile-sync: -1
zonefile-load: difference-no-serial
journal-content: all
notify: hidden_primary
acl: hidden_primary_acl
- id: isnic
algorithm: RSASHA256
ksk-size: 4096
zsk-size: 2048
ksk-lifetime: 365d
zsk-lifetime: 30d
propagation-delay: 1h
rrsig-lifetime: 14d
rrsig-refresh: 7d
rrsig-pre-refresh: 1h
zones/unsigned is stored in a git repo and changes are deployed by an
ansible playbook that checks out the latest revision and reloads the zones.
Someone pointed out that zonefile-load: difference-no-serial was risky
for something as important as a TLD, but what is the alternative when
doing automatic DNSSEC signing on zone data from git? Also, we turned
off zonefile-sync, since our current deployment script overwrites the
zonefile. Is there a way to load initial zone data from one file, but do
zonefile-sync to another?
We're seeing this in our logs:
Jan 20 09:32:06 ht-signer01 knot[49715]: info: [pp.is.] zone file
parsed, serial corrected 1970010100 -> 2022012000
Jan 20 09:32:06 ht-signer01 knot[49715]: info: [pp.is.] loaded, serial
2022011900 -> 2022012000 -> 2022011900, 3830 bytes
Any idea what's happening on the second line? It's like knot wants to
increment the serial, but then changes it's mind :)