On 13/06/16 19:09, Roger Murray wrote:
Hi Roger,
I am seeing a response from a knot name server that I
am working on
that has me a little confused. When I do zone transfer requests from
clients that aren’t allowed to do a zone transfer I expect to receive
rcode 5 REFUSED, but I am receiving rcode 9 NOTAUTH.
The REFUSED rcode is generally used to indicate that a server isn't
carrying the zone you queried for.
However, when a server does have a zone loaded, and can answer queries
for it, but just won't allow zone transfers, then NOTAUTH is the right
response, meaning "I have the zone, but I won't XFR it to you".
Is this the expected behaviour? Is this configurable?
Yes it is expected behaviour, and as far as I know, it's not configurable.