Hello André,
thank you very much for your report.
However, I found rather little information. Could you please provide
some more info about you configuration (at least zonefile-sync and
zonefile-load) and longer log snippets uncovering what was going on
after the configuration change?
Dne 19. 03. 21 v 14:59 André Keller napsal(a):
Good afternoon,
in preparation for Knot 3.1, I wanted to update our template that uses
zonefile-load: difference-no-serial from journal-content: changes to
journal-content: all.
However, it seems that we somehow have to update the existing journal.
Otherwise it seems the first change to a zone after that change, will
lead to the following error (running knot 3.0.4):
error: [
example.net.] zone event 'load' failed (semantic check)
Subsequent changes seem to be applied just fine.
What is the proposed strategy to change this setting?