I'm currently on 2.6.5, and am moving everything
to a new server I've created that's using the newest
version. However, I've got a couple of zones I am trying
to clean up before the move.
In my effort to resign these zones, I'm retiring/removing
keys associated with these zones prior to resigning them.
But keymgr(8) isn't working as expected.
Fri, 21
# keymgr some.zone. set 09696 retire=20200821122736 remove=20200821122755
Fri, 21
# keymgr some.zone. list iso
83ded1e7f4375657fe12ca666d4bbc6c33b7edea ksk=no zsk=yes tag=09696 algorithm=5
public-only=no created=2020-05-06T04:42:32 pre-active=2020-05-06T04:42:32
publish=2020-05-06T05:42:32 ready=1970-01-01T00:00:00 active=2020-05-06T18:42:32
retire-active=1970-01-01T00:00:00 retire=2020-08-21T12:27:36
post-active=1970-01-01T00:00:00 remove=2020-08-21T12:27:55
As you can see, it's 12:28 but the key was not removed.
What am I (missing/misunderstanding?