Hi Libor,
sorry for taking so long to come back to you, but we tried our best to trace down our
previous steps to make this issue reproducible.
We found out, that the described behavior does not affect all of the domains that we
wanted to sign. We made this assumption based on a small set of domains that we used to
test real-world DNSSEC integration with and that we frequently enabled and disabled
signing for over and over again, while we were figuring out how we can use knot.
To clarify this point: New domains, that have not been signed previously are not affected
by this!
The steps to reproduce the described problem are:
1. Set up a knot 2.7.6 using a config without (!) a submission section
2. Add an unsigned zone to the config file and reload knot
3. Set the template of the zone to "signed" and reload knot
4. Execute "knotc zone-status" for the domain, and you should be able to
observe the following state: "parent DS query: not scheduled"
5. Set the template of the zone to make it unsigned again and reload knot
6. Add the submission section to the knot.conf and reload knot
7. Set the template of the zone to "signed" and reload knot
8. Execute "knotc zone-status" for the domain, and you should be able to still
observe the following state: "parent DS query: not scheduled"
This seems to indicate that there is some persistent state, that remains for the zones
that have been removed from the signed template, and that this state actually prevents the
parent DS query from being scheduled (ever?) again.
I hope that this description gives you enough insight to evaluate the behavior.
Best regards,
Am 06.03.19 um 18:03 schrieb libor.peltan:
Hi Thomas,
I'm still not sure what goes wrong in your case. The setup looks good and when I try
something similar, it works for me - the DS check is planned whenever I add a zone to
"signed" policy.
Could you please send us the logs of Knot? (Also shuffle with the configured log
verbosity first, e.g. like:
- target: "stdout"
any: "info"
). Thanks much!
Dne 06.03.19 v 16:47 Daniel Salzman napsal(a):
> Hi,
> On 3/5/19 10:14 PM, Thomas wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> we add the new zones configured with the "default" template. When a
>> customer is requesting DNSSEC we move the zone to the "signed"
>> Could that be the problem?
> It shouldn't be. But as you use shared key, it's possible there is a bug in
the code.
> We will investigate your setup...
> Daniel
>> Best regards,
>> Thomas
>> On 05.03.19 19:32, daniel.salzman(a)nic.cz wrote:
>>> Hello Thomas,
>>> On 2019-03-05 18:31, Thomas E. wrote:
>>>> Hello Daniel,
>>>> we tried the described approach, and it worked fine for zones, that we
>>>> already executed "knotc zone-ksk-submitted xx.tld" for.
>>>> For freshly added zones however the "knotc zone-status xx.tld"
>>>> a status that indicates that the parent DS query has not been
>>>> scheduled:
>>> Are the freshly added zones configured with template 'signed'?
>>> Daniel
>>>> [xx.tld.] role: master | serial: 1551549547 | transaction: none |
>>>> freeze: no | load: not scheduled | refresh: not scheduled | update:
>>>> not scheduled | expiration: not scheduled | journal flush: not
>>>> scheduled | notify: not scheduled | DNSSEC re-sign: +19h26m42s | NSEC3
>>>> resalt: +27D2h42m39s | parent DS query: not scheduled
>>>> Also our logs do not show any attempts of parent DS queries for the
>>>> affected zone, only for the zones that we previously executed
>>>> "zone-ksk-submitted" for.
>>>> Right now we add the zone using a default template (which does not
>>>> make use of DNSSEC), because not all of our zones should be signed
>>>> right away and switch the template to a signed template for specific
>>>> zones, that we actually want to sign.
>>>> Here's an excerpt from our current config:
>>>> remote:
>>>> - id: local-resolver
>>>> address:
>>>> submission:
>>>> - id: resolver
>>>> parent: local-resolver
>>>> policy:
>>>> - id: shared
>>>> algorithm: RSASHA256
>>>> ksk-size: 2048
>>>> zsk-size: 1024
>>>> zsk-lifetime: 1d
>>>> ksk-lifetime: 2d
>>>> ksk-shared: true
>>>> ksk-submission: resolver
>>>> nsec3: true
>>>> template:
>>>> - id: default
>>>> storage: "/var/lib/knot"
>>>> semantic-checks: on
>>>> global-module: mod-stats
>>>> master: primary
>>>> notify: secondaries
>>>> acl: [primary, secondaries]
>>>> - id: signed
>>>> dnssec-signing: on
>>>> dnssec-policy: shared
>>>> acl: [primary, secondaries]
>>>> notify: secondaries
>>>> Maybe we get something fundamentally wrong, but from our experience
>>>> there is no DS scheduling without an initial manual intervention via
>>>> "knotc zone-ksk-submitted xx.tld".
>>>> Any hint would be appreciated!
>>>> Thank a lot,
>>>> Thomas
>>>> Am 05.03.19 um 11:49 schrieb Daniel Stirnimann:
>>>>> Hello Thomas,
>>>>> On 05.03.19 11:24, Thomas E. wrote:
>>>>>> Will the "knotc zone-ksk-submitted" command still be
necessary for the
>>>>>> initial DS lookup when signing a new zone? Or is the
>>>>>> statement sufficient in any case?
>>>>> The use of "ksk-submission" is sufficient.
>>>>> From the knot documentation:
>>>>> "At this point new KSK has to be submitted to the parent zone.
>>>>> detects the updated parent’s DS record automatically (and waits for
>>>>> additional period of the DS’s TTL before retiring the old key) if
>>>>> DS check is configured, otherwise the operator must confirm it
>>>>> with knotc zone-ksk-submitted"
>>>>> I've never used "knotc zone-ksk-submitted". Maybe
it's useful if you
>>>>> have a broken trust chain to your zone and in some scenario you
>>>>> want to tell knot to go ahead...
>>>>> Daniel