Hi Jan-Piet,
thanks much for your point.
You're correct, the del-all-old command works in general, even without
Offline KSK feature. The same is actually true for pregenerate command.
However, we're just not motivated to encourage the users to use them.
Anyway, with automatic key management, the keys are normally deleted
Could you share your setup design with us? We love any feedback, in
order to have an overview of how people are using Knot.
Thank you,
Dne 12. 05. 22 v 14:46 Jan-Piet Mens napsal(a):
The documentation for `keymgr' says that the
subcommand `del-all-old' is
related to offline KSK, but it also seems to work for online KSK.
Moments ago I had the following keys of which e381* had just been
marked as
$ keymgr -c knot.conf tm list -b iso
e381198aea254a1dbceb3c5b153cbefaa98c959a 31943 KSK ECDSAP256SHA256
publish=2022-05-12T11:43:56Z ready=2022-05-12T11:43:56Z
active=2022-05-12T11:43:56Z retire=2022-05-12T12:35:42Z
revoke=2022-05-12T12:33:42Z remove=2022-05-12T12:37:42Z
d68e6803daa3e3ee34dd07d6966df0c402594fb2 26288 ZSK ECDSAP256SHA256
publish=2022-05-12T12:28:18Z active=2022-05-12T12:28:18Z
b0cc879e9b9f5faae647c7019a12821e62150378 62610 KSK ECDSAP256SHA256
publish=2022-05-12T12:30:49Z ready=2022-05-12T12:30:49Z
$ keymgr -c knot.conf tm del-all-old
$ keymgr -c knot.conf tm list -b iso
d68e6803daa3e3ee34dd07d6966df0c402594fb2 26288 ZSK ECDSAP256SHA256
publish=2022-05-12T12:28:18Z active=2022-05-12T12:28:18Z
b0cc879e9b9f5faae647c7019a12821e62150378 62610 KSK ECDSAP256SHA256
publish=2022-05-12T12:30:49Z ready=2022-05-12T12:30:49Z
and the PEM key file has also been removed.
Is this to be expected? Would it be a good idea to add a note to the
documentation clarifying this?
Best regards,