On 15/03/2018 18:34, Vladimír Čunát wrote:
For a first idea of usage I'd choose the
"resident set size" measure -
either VmRSS (current) or VmHWM (peak). (I'm assuming no noticeable
swapping happens here.)
Hi Vladimir,
I looked at these values for our servers (64GB RAM, 4579 zones, a mix of
small, unsigned reverse DNS zones to large TLDs), and this is what I found:
BIND 9.11.2-P1 10169892 kB 10163952 kB
Knot 2.3.4 8681240 kB 8466592 kB
NSD 4.1.20 12100504 kB 12100504 kB
For Knot-DNS itself, there have also been some
improvements in memory
usage since 2.3.4 IIRC, but I don't know details there (Dan should know
This seems to be true. I have a test server running Knot 2.6.5, and
configured with the same slave zones as above, and I see:
Knot 2.3.4 8681240 kB 8466592 kB
Knot 2.6.5 7688072 kB 7500000 kB