Hello Anand,
Yes, LMDB itself is designed to be shareable between different threads or processes,
but it has some performance penalty (serialized write operation). Knot DNS doesn't
expect there can be other unknown zones in the timer database. Such records are
purged during server reload. But I will remove this code as it is not consistent with
other databases and it will be possible to purge zone orphans via knotc zone-purge.
But what is your motivation for two Knots on one physical server? And why
to share storages if the zone lists are different?
On 07/23/2017 06:43 PM, Anand Buddhdev wrote:
Hello Knot developers,
Suppose I am running two Knot DNS instances. They're listening on
different interfaces, and slaving different sets of zones. If the
"storage" variable is the same for these two, then the two instances of
knotd will both try to write into storage/journal and storage/timers.
Is this safe to do? My understanding of LMDB is that a database can be
shared between different threads and processes because they using locking.
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