Yesterday I replaced one of my authoritative servers with knot 1.0.5
(previously powerdns). I am already delighted by the simplicity of knot,
so thank you for a nice piece of software.
I tried some configurations and noticed that I was unable to correctly
run as an unprivileged user. It seems that the problem is:
- start knotd as root.root
- create empty pidfile (owned by root.root)
- drop privileges to user 'knot.knot'
- write pid to pidfile (and fail doing so)
- log error:
2012-06-11T22:23:06+02:00 julie knot[31184]: [warning] Failed to create
PID file '/var/lib/knot/knot.pid'.
2012-06-11T22:23:06+02:00 julie knot[31184]: Server started as a daemon,
PID = 31184
2012-06-11T22:23:06+02:00 julie knot[31184]: [warning] Server running
without PID file.
When stopping knotd later on, the following is logged, and knotd does
not stop running.
2012-06-11T22:23:38+02:00 julie knot[31210]: [warning] Server PID not
found, probably not running.
I guess that either the pid file need to be chowned to the unprivileged
user before privileges are dropped, or the pid needs to be written to
the file earlier. Note that the file *is* created (despite the error
messages saying something else), but it is empty.
Kind regards,