Hi Bastien,
It doesn't look like a config issue. Could you try to re-sign the zone `knotc
zone-sign durel.org` if it helps?
Could you show me contents of the DDNS message?
On 10/14/19 11:24 AM, Bastien Durel wrote:
Since I upgraded to 2.9 (2.9.0-1~cz.nic~buster1), DDNS update fails:
oct. 14 11:10:25 arrakeen knotd[15543]: info: [
durel.org.] DDNS, processing 1 updates
oct. 14 11:10:25 arrakeen knotd[15543]: error: [
durel.org.] DNSSEC, failed to fix NSEC3
chain (invalid parameter)
oct. 14 11:10:25 arrakeen knotd[15543]: 2019-10-14T11:10:25 error: [
durel.org.] DNSSEC,
failed to fix NSEC3 chain (invalid parameter)
oct. 14 11:10:25 arrakeen knotd[15543]: 2019-10-14T11:10:25 error: [
durel.org.] DDNS,
processing failed (invalid parameter)
oct. 14 11:10:25 arrakeen knotd[15543]: error: [
durel.org.] DDNS, processing failed
(invalid parameter)
DDNS are generated with knsupdate:
knsupdate -k /etc/letsencrypt.sh/hooks/tsig.key $file
Is there a config change that can explain that ?