Hello Bastien,
thanks very much for your report.
Starting with Knot DNS 2.4.x, the journal is completely reworked, so
even with our best testing effort, such problems are unfortunately
expectable to occur.
Do you have any predictable way how to reproduce the issue ?
How about the zone's configuration, especially zonefile-sync option ?
Do you have any specific log warning level - is it possible that
"notice" messages have been suppressed ?
I'm sorry for your inconveniences and hope you haven't lost data for the
rest of zones.
Dne 28.3.2017 v 08:32 Bastien Durel napsal(a):
For the second time after an upgrade, one of my knot instance did not
restart. (actually, it restarts but does not respond to queries)
I got theses messages in log :
2017-03-27T17:11:16 warning: [durel.eu.] discontinuity in chages
history (2017032310 -> 2017032309), dropping older changesets
2017-03-27T17:11:16 error: [
durel.org.] zone event 'load' failed
(invalid parameter)
2017-03-27T17:11:16 error: [durel.eu.] failed to store changes into
journal (invalid parameter)
2017-03-27T17:11:16 error: [durel.eu.] zone event 'load' failed
(invalid parameter)
2017-03-27T17:11:27 warning: [durel.eu.] discontinuity in chages
history (2017032310 -> 2017032309), dropping older changesets
2017-03-27T17:11:27 error: [durel.eu.] failed to store changes into
journal (invalid parameter)
2017-03-27T17:11:27 error: [durel.eu.] zone event 'load' failed
(invalid parameter)
2017-03-27T17:11:27 warning: [
durel.org.] discontinuity in chages
history (2017032310 -> 2017032309), dropping older changesets
2017-03-27T17:11:27 error: [
durel.org.] failed to store changes into
journal (invalid parameter)
2017-03-27T17:11:27 error: [
durel.org.] zone event 'load' failed
(invalid parameter)
removing all files in journal/ directory and restarting it leads to
normal behaviour.
Do you have hints about these error ?