Hi Everyone,
I'm happy to announce the third and probably last release candidate for
Knot DNS 1.3.0 is out there!
This release candidate is a bit special to us, featuring not only a slew of
bugfixes but also introducing a new feature.
Quite a lot of you asked for a tool to estimate memory consumption for
given zone, this is now a new action 'memstats'
available in knotc utility. The usage is quite similar to the 'checkzone'
command, but it prints out estimated memory
consumption instead. You can also pick specific zones if you like.
Second quite substantial change is deprecation of 'knotc start'. The
preferred method of startup is now using knotd directly,
optionally with -d flag for running in background. Also, knotd doesn't
create PID files when running in foreground.
This is to play nice with managed init scripts and to be able to write out
PID atomically.
On top of that, you can also alter default 'storage' and 'rundir', see
./configure --help for that.
The 'rundir' obsoletes 'pidfile' config option, as the PID file will always
be placed in 'rundir'.
Third and last substantial change is that knotc now uses UNIX sockets by
default and is also now a preferred mode of operation,
although IP sockets are still supported. We believe this is safer for now,
as the control protocol is not encrypted.
It is also enabled by default, to disable control interface completely, add
an empty control section to the configuration.
But of course, being a release candidate, we didn't forget to pack in a
bugfixes. Namely processing of IXFR with a lot
of serial changes, processing of TSIG keyfile in knotc and a couple
performance regressions related to zone transfers.
Big thanks for numerous hours of testing and witty feedback for this
release goes to Anand Buddhdev, thank you!
You can find the full changelog at:
GPG signature:
Packages available at www.knot-dns.cz will be updated soon as well.
Kind regards,
Marek Vavruša Knot DNS
CZ.NIC Labs http://www.knot-dns.cz
Americká 23, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
WWW: http://labs.nic.czhttp://www.nic.cz
[sorry for cross-post, please don't cross-post when replying]
we are currently implementing DNSSEC in Knot DNS and we would like to gather opinions on this topic. I think we have all have more experience of DNSSEC deployment now and it would be very valuable for us to gather that experience and forge an implementation that would be liked by the users.
Could you please spare a few minutes and fill a little survey of ours on this topic?
If you don't want to give your answers to NSA :), you can reply to this email (the Reply-To is set to knot-dns-users(a)lists.nic.cz), or just send the feedback back to me.
Thank you very much,
Ondřej Surý -- Chief Science Officer
CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. -- Laboratoře CZ.NIC
Americka 23, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
mailto:ondrej.sury@nic.cz http://nic.cz/
tel:+420.222745110 fax:+420.222745112
Dear knot users/developers,
I'm testing Knot 1.3.0-rc2. One issue I've run into is when knot exits
uncleanly. In this case, it leaves its PID file behind in
On the following attempt to start knot, it sees the PID file, and
refuses to start, so I have to remove the stale PID file by hand. If I
run knot under a supervisor, such as upstart, then it tries to run knot,
fails, tries again rapidly in succession, and eventually gives up, at
which point knot isn't running.
My first observation is that in cases where knot is running under a
supervisor, the PID file is not necessary. The supervisor knows knot's
PID, and can signal it directly (to reload, or stop). Could you consider
making the PID file optional? As in, if in knot.conf, I have:
pidfile "";
then knot should not attempt to write (or read or delete) a PID file at all.
Alternatively, could you make knot a bit smarter so that if it detects a
PID file at startup, but that PID is either not in use, or the process
using it is not knot, then it should remove the PID file?
Without either of these possibilities, I have to add logic in my startup
scripts or supervisor scripts to remove any stale PID files. If I only
had one instance of knot, I could do that simply with "rm -f
/var/lib/knot/knot.pid", but I'd like to run multiple instances of knot,
and so I would have multiple PID files, whose locations I would have to
extract from the config file first in order to delete them reliably.
This starts to get hairy...
I hope I have made a reasonable case for providing an option to not
record a PID file, or clean up one before starting. My preference is for
the first option, ie. not writing a PID file.
Anand Buddhdev
Dear Knot developers,
I'm testing Knot 1.3.0-rc1 now. One of the things I'd like to be able to
do is to estimate Knot's memory usage without actually loading all my
zones into it (because if it runs out of memory it will be killed).
One very crude way was to load a single zone from a plain text zone
file, and comparing the memory used by knot with the size of the zone on
disk. For a zone of size 229MB, knot is using about 1.3GB of RAM. So I
could say that knot wants about 6x as much RAM for each zone. Is this a
reasonable asumption?
Alternatively, since you know how knot uses memory for a zone, are you
able to provide a small program which can read zones one at a time,
calculate the RAM required for each zone, and then print a summary of
the total RAM required to load all those zones into knot?
We frequently get questions from our users along the lines of "I'd like
you to slave this new zone" or "we are going to sign this zone; will
your server be able to load it?" It would help an operator immensely if
he can get an estimate of the additional RAM required.
Anand Buddhdev
Our BIND server slaves a zone which has the following record (I have
replaced the actual TLD with placeholders):
BIND loads this zone without complaining.
However, knot 1.3.0-rc1 refuses to load this zone with the following error:
2013-06-07T13:53:50 [warning] Semantic warning in node: *.XX.: CNAME:
CNAME cycle!
2013-06-07T13:53:50 [error] Semantic check found fatal error on line=10
2013-06-07T13:53:54 [error] Zone could not be loaded
(-9992).2013-06-07T13:53:54 [error] Zone XX. could not be loaded.
As a side note, it looks like there's a newline missing somewhere,
because two log lines have appeared on a single line. And what's the
-9992 in brackets?
Testing knot 1.3.0-rc1, I'm seeing a strange message in the log if I
start it without defining any zones:
2013-06-07T10:44:13 Binding to interface port 5353.
2013-06-07T10:44:13 Configured 1 interfaces and 0 zones.
2013-06-07T10:44:13 Changing group id to '10073'.
2013-06-07T10:44:13 Changing user id to '10073'.
2013-06-07T10:44:13 Loading 0 zones...
2013-06-07T10:44:13 Loaded -12 out of 0 zones.
2013-06-07T10:44:13 [warning] Not all the zones were loaded.
2013-06-07T10:44:13 Starting server...
2013-06-07T10:44:13 Server started in foreground, PID = 10514
2013-06-07T10:44:13 PID stored in /var/lib/knot/knot.pid
2013-06-07T10:44:13 [warning] Server started, but no zones served.
Notice the "-12 out of 0 zones.". Bug?
Hi everyone,
we've been very busy for the last couple months, and I'm glad to let you
that the Knot DNS v1.3.0 first release candidate is finally out!
This is a feature-full release, packing a lot of new stuff and improvements.
The major change since 1.2.0 is the zone compilation, which is now
deprecated and
zone files are parsed directly on startup. This was made possible with the
new zone file parser,
which is neck to neck in terms of speed with whole parsing to loading a
precompiled zone.
So no more 'compile' steps.
Configuration file is also improved with the handy 'group' keyword, that
allows you to
make groups of remotes and also a support to include another part of config
This is useful for example if you want to store keys elsewhere.
We also now support queries to pseudo CH zone (RFC4892 style), so that is
as well (we support identity, version and hostname).
On the backend part, we have overhauled several internal structures to
lower memory
consumption and improved speed and scheduling of zone transfers. Log
messages for
those are improved as well, giving a more verbose overview of what was
which serial and how long. Apart from that, there are a lot of smaller
improvements, revamped build system and a lot of small details.
For example zone files written out on slave contain a source address, time
and other
useful information. See NEWS or gitlog for more details.
Last new (sort of) feature is, that we included our own DNS tools.
Namely kdig, khost and knsupdate. They are quite compatible with BIND9
but they also bring several improvements in logging, prettified output and
Be sure to check them out.
We also had a terrific user feedback, thanks to Erwin Lansing, Anand
Buddhdev, Jan-Piet Mens
and everyone for the reports.
So that's mostly it! For a full overview of changes see:
GPG signature:
Packages available at www.knot-dns.cz will be updated soon as well.
Kind regards,
Marek Vavruša Knot DNS
CZ.NIC Labs http://www.knot-dns.cz
Americká 23, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
WWW: http://labs.nic.czhttp://www.nic.cz
Hey guys,
i am currently playing around with some dns solutions, currently its knot :-)
Is there any solution for recursion. I would like to add an powerdns server to any node which could do lookups for new zones while the configfile isnt written. As you may know registrys like denic are using realtime checks while ordering a domain.
Thanks for the 1.2.0, some really nice features in there. I especially like the zonestatus command.
I have one problem though. It seems that knot drops its root privileges too early, before trying to bind to the interface.
Configured with:
system { user bind.bind };
Results in:
Apr 23 12:26:26 l knot[25585]: [error] Could not bind to UDP interface port 53.
Apr 23 12:26:26 l knot[25585]: [error] Could not bind to UDP interface ::1 port 53.
Changing to root.bind, makes it work, hence my guess it's related to dropping privileges. This is on FreeBSD 9.0.
Any hints appreciated.
Med venlig hilsen/Best Regards
Erwin Lansing
Network and System Administrator
DK Hostmaster A/S
Kalvebod Brygge 45, 3. sal
1560 København V
Tlf. 33 64 60 60
Fax.: 33 64 60 66
Email: erwin(a)dk-hostmaster.dk
Homepage: http://www.dk-hostmaster.dk
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