Hi guys
I've managed to package and run FRED 2.2.0 using sources you published
at your page in Ubuntu lucid and Python 2.6.
In order to make pyfred start I had to change two files.
Maybe this will be useful for someone reading this list.
I'm also very happy about the way webadmin works now. Great job!
(Some parts are nicer than the rest: admin_impl.cc:191 ;-))
I have one question though, related to updating DB. What DB version
shall be used for running FRED you published?
Right after installation model_version in enum_parameters is 2.0.0.
However, upgrades dir contains 2.3.0 and above (and they're all used by
fred-dbmanager upgrade). And
http://fred.nic.cz/wiki/download says 2.2.0.
So, what version is compatible with sources and can it be safely
upgraded using lower_ver-higher_ver.sql scripts in upgrades? I'm a bit
confused when it comes to versioning of FRED...
diff of /usr/bin/pyfredctl
< import os, sys, commands, time, signal, ConfigParser
import os, sys, commands, time, signal, ConfigParser,
< pid = os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, pyfred_server)
pid = subprocess.call([pyfred_server])
diff of /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyfred/utils.py
< import sys, os, fcntl, select, time, popen2, signal
import sys, os, fcntl, select, time, signal,
< child = popen2.Popen3(cmd, True)
child = subprocess.Popen(cmd, True)