a) Define prices for each zone. Notice that prices are defined per zone
only (you can't define a price for a registrar/zone combination). For
fred-admin --price_add --operation_price 80.00 --zone_fqdn tld
--operation CreateDomain
fred-admin --price_add --operation_price 80.00 --zone_fqdn tld
--operation RenewDomain
fred-admin --price_add --operation_price 80.00 --zone_fqdn tld
--operation EppOperation
Take into account that the system registrar must be defined as such and
that these prices do not apply to the system registrar
b) Add invoice prefixes:
fred-admin --invoice_add_prefix --zone_fqdn tld --prefix 01
c) Now you can start assigning credit like this:
fred-admin --invoice_credit --zone_id 1 --registrar_id 2 --price 2000.0
The zone_id usually is the TLD zone. The registrar_id usually starts
with 2 for non-system registrars. I' m supposing you are using a
pre-paid policy. FRED allows for post-paid, too.
d) Now you can use fred-client with the new registrar (I' m assuming
that you previously created the regitrar with fred-admin and assigned
the zone to that registrar):
fred-client --user=<registar handle> --password=<registar password)
--cert=/usr/share/fred-client/ssl/<registar handle>.crt
--privkey=/usr/share/fred-client/ssl/<registar handle>.key
(for easier administration, we use for the crt and key files the same
name that the registrar one)
e) Now create, renew, etc. domains:
create_domain guerra.tld <contact id.> NULL <nsset id.> NULL (1 y)
I' m assuming that you previously created both the contact and the nsset
After this, for each domain created or renewed, that price is deduced
from the credit. If you use pre-paid and the accululative operations
exceed the credit, a FRED error is given.
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