I need an urgent help.
I have been trying to add credit to my registrar
fred-banking --credit REG-XXXX co.tz 100000
The credit is not added and If i go to see the logs I see something very strange...It
starts well by checking the enum_action and found 43 rows but then it goes to
execute the following query and here its where problem starts....
COALESCE(SUM(i.credit),0) FROM registrar r LEFT JOIN invoice i ON (r.id=i.registrarid AND
NOT(i.credit ISNULL)) WHERE 1=1 AND r.handle='wwwnetbanking.tz' GROUP BY
Now I noticed in the query there is r.handle='wwwnetbanking.tz' which is not in my
registrars list and thus no result is found
I expected r.handle to be REG-XXXX mentioned above and not the one listed and it is
coming into the query as the value and parameter and
moreover if i run the same command to add the same registrar same amount of money what
happens is that it execute the same query but
r.handle='wwwnetbanking.tz' changes to say r.handle='netbankomng.tz'
I am confused and run out of ideas.Can you have an idea and why this
sudden change?
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