Dr Paulos Nyirenda wrote:
On 7 Jun 2011 at 13:06, Petur Kirke wrote:
Hello Paulos
If someone sponsored my trip to Singapore i would sure love to help as much
as i could. :)
Unfortunately (or fortunately) I am also being sponsored for that ICANNmeeting.
.fo registration system is based on Fred, with
PHP interface.
Seems to be more and more like what we are looking for. Are you running this on Fedora as
Would it be possible to have a live chat with you while I am in Singapore so that you can
walk me through the installation, step by step?
Dr Paulos B Nyirenda
NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD
Hello, i have little "quickstart" for getting fred running on debian
# ! NOTE !
# Works with libboost 1.40 (Debian Lenny for example)
# !!!!!!!!!! Does not seem to work with libboost 1.42 (Debian Squeeze)
# needed dependencies
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install doxygen omniorb4-nameserver omniorb4 python-omniorb2
apt-get install python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl
libpq-dev omniidl4 libidn11-dev
apt-get install omniidl4-python python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal
libapache2-mod-python postgresql
apt-get install libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev
libboost-dev libboost-date-time-dev
apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev
python-imaging python-reportlab openerp-server xsltproc
apt-get install apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev
apt-get install omniorb4-nameserver python-trml2pdf libboost-all-dev
python-simpletal libapache2-mod-python python-clearsilver omniidl-python
apt-get install ttf-dejavu bind9 bind9utils ldnsutils python-yaml
python-simplejson zip python-pip postfix
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
# on prior of db creation, system locale must be UTF-8
download fred, unpack fred
./fred-manager install
# change all references to "localhost" in conf files to ...
./fred-manager start
# CERT="root//share/fred-client/ssl/test-cert.pem"
# MD5=$( openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -md5 -in "$CERT" | cut
-d'=' -f2- )
./fred-admin --registrar_add --handle=TEST --country=CZ
./fred-admin --registrar_acl_add --handle=TEST
./fred-admin --zone_add --zone_fqdn=cz
./fred-admin --registrar_add_zone --zone_fqdn=cz --handle=TEST
cp etc/fred/fred-client.conf ~/.fred-client.conf
edit ~/.fred-client.conf and set user/pass to TEST/tester