On 16 Feb 2015 at 10:39, Mario Guerra
<fred-users(a)lists.nic.cz> wrote:
How do I.
a) Define prices (creation, update, EPP).
b) Create credit for a zone-registrar combination.
c) Deduce each EPP transaction (creation, updating, etc.) so the
transaction applies to the credit?.
I have scripts for creating a new registrar with their respective
certificates, and I know how to intoroduce prices.
Mario, all,
We at the Malawi .mw registry have just finished populating our FRED registry with data
at our current home built registry system. Our biggest challenge has been creating
We are now just at this point of creating new registrars and need to generate, install
and activate certificates for new registrars.
We would therefore like to request you to send us details on how you efficiently do
certificate generation, creation, installtion and activation of registrars. A copy of
your scripts sent to us, if available, would be very helpful.
We would also really like to hear how others do this as well. We are running on Fedora
and our target is to reach production phase by 15 March 2015, in about a month.
Then I supposedly
give credit to a registrar and a zone, but when I use that zone and
registar using fred-client there is no transaction. I'm missing
simething but what?.
We see that our next biggest challenge will be billing as we
move the registry from the
2R model in the present system where the registry was billing every registrant to the 3R
model where we move to create, manage and bill registrars.
We need to resolve this soon as some domains will start to expire at the end of March
2015 and hence payments will need to be made. So answers on these question raised here
as well as any additional documentation will also be very helpful to us.
Dr Paulos B Nyirenda
NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD
Mario Guerra
fred-users mailing list
Malawi SDNP Webmail:
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fred-users mailing list
https://lists.nic.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fred-users Hello,
FRED actualy has quite little todo with cert management itself.
If it's any help i can explain how we use FRED with cert auht @ ee.
Basicaly every registrar send's us CSR, what we sign in our offline key
store, then take the fingerprint from these signed certs, generate
passwords and send the signed cert + password back to the registrar.
So from FRED persepctive only imporatnt data is cert fingerprint what
must match user/password user@auth.
The validation of certificate is done by apache (what runs mod_epp) and
works like any other cert based client auth pki.
So no scripts involved, a little hand work to sign/get fingerpints from