In our system we have some domainnames, which are permanently reserved.
Also when a domainname is deleted, it is reserved for some period, before
anyone can apply for it again.
We did solve both this tasks by programmatically putting the domainnames
into domain_blacklist postgres table. Seems to work very fine so far.
Petur Kirke
PHP programmer
There is no facility for reserving domains in Fred, domain is either
registered by some registrar, or it's free to be registered. There is
some sort of blacklist with regular expressions that cannot be
registered at all.
Georg Kahest píše v Čt 27. 05. 2010 v 15:32 +0300:
What is the Best Practice with Reserverd domains and fred, currently my
understanding is that, domains are reserved (prohibited to register),
then reservation is removed
and any registrar is able to register that domain, is there some system
to allow only one registrar register that domain and is there any
billing related features with reserved
domains, or they are treated just like normal domains.
Jaromir Talir
technicky reditel / Chief Technical Officer
CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. -- .cz domain registry
Americka 23, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
sip:jaromir.talir@nic.cz tel:+420.222745107
mob:+420.739632712 fax:+420.222745112