Hi Ernesto,
sorry for late response. You mention the same problem as Petur has in
his last post. Resolution should be the same.
Ernesto Pin píse v Ct 28. 01. 2010 v 16:56 -0200:
Hi, I've been trying to connect to
fred-server from fred-client for a
long time, but I'couldn not do so. I think that is all about
certificates, because this procedures are not deeply explained in
documentations. I would be very pleased if someone can tell me where
to find the correct procedures.
The procedure I followed to get certificates and keys, is this one:
1. download CA.pl
2. run ./CA.pl -new ca
3. copy generated demoCA/cacert.pem
to /usr/share/fred-mod-eppd/ssl/
4. run ./CA.pl -newreq
5. run CA.pl -sign
6. move generated newcert.pem and newkey.pem
to /usr/share/fred-mod-eppd/ssl/ and remove newreq.pem in
CA.pl's directory
7. run again CA.pl -newreq
8. run again CA.pl -sign
9. move generated cert and key to /usr/share/fred-mod-eppd/ssl/
After that, I get client and mod-eppd configured to point these files,
and run the following script to insert registrars into database:
MD5=$(openssl x509 -in /usr/local/share/fred-client/ssl/newcert.pem
-fingerprint -noout -md5)
psql -U fred fred << _EOF_
INSERT INTO registrar (handle,name) VALUES ('${HANDLE}','${NAME}');
INSERT INTO registraracl (registrarid,cert,password) VALUES
When starting apache, got this error.log:
FRED:/home/fred# more /var/log/apache2/error.log
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not
configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [notice] mod_corba started (mod_corba
version 1.3.0, SVN revision unknown, BUILT Jan 18 2010 19:11:31)
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [notice] mod_eppd started (mod_eppd version
2.2.0, SVN revision unknown, BUILT Jan 18 2010 19:13:30)
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [warn] mod_whoisd: whoisd disclaimer not
set, using default.
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [notice] mod_whoisd started (mod_whoisd
version 3.1.1, SVN revision unknown, BUILT Jan 18 2010 19:15:10)
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [notice] mod_python: Creating 8 session
mutexes based on 6 max processes and 25 max threads.
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [notice] mod_python: using
mutex_directory /tmp
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [notice] mod_corba started (mod_corba
version 1.3.0, SVN revision unknown, BUILT Jan 18 2010 19:11:31)
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [notice] mod_eppd started (mod_eppd version
2.2.0, SVN revision unknown, BUILT Jan 18 2010 19:13:30)
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [warn] mod_whoisd: whoisd disclaimer not
set, using default.
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [notice] mod_whoisd started (mod_whoisd
version 3.1.1, SVN revision unknown, BUILT Jan 18 2010 19:15:10)
[Wed Jan 27 17:44:07 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.9 (Debian)
mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 mod_ssl/2.2.9 OpenSSL/0.9.8g configured
-- resuming normal operations
Following this, configured fred-client to use the two inserted
registrars to login. When running fred-client, input passphrase used
to generate client's cert, and getting this output:
FRED:/home/fred# fred-client
Unsupported language code: 'es' in os.environ.LANG. Available codes
are: cs, en. Set default to: 'en'.
Enter PEM pass phrase:
FredClient 2.2.0
Type "help", "license" or "credits" for more information.
Using configuration from /usr/local/etc/fred/fred-client.conf
Connecting to localhost, port 700 ...
ERROR: Login failed.
Log information in fred-eppd log:
FRED:/home/fred# more /var/log/fred/fred-eppd.log
[27/Jan/2010:17:58:09 --0200] [sessionID 408120] Client
[27/Jan/2010:17:58:09 --0200] [sessionID 408120] Corba call
(epp-cmd hello)
[27/Jan/2010:17:58:09 --0200] [sessionID 408120] Corba call
[27/Jan/2010:17:58:09 --0200] [sessionID 408120] request
received (length 700 bytes)
[27/Jan/2010:17:58:09 --0200] [sessionID 408120] request
content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
standalone="no"?> <epp