I'm adding some more information so it can be
useful for solving this
curious case. Here is a fragment of the co.cr zone file>
isiva.co.cr. IN NS xxxxxxxxx
isladelcoco.cr. IN NS xxxxxxxxx
isladelcoco.cr. IN NS xxxxxxxxx
ism.co.cr. IN NS xxxxxxxxx
Notice the "isladelcoco.cr" lines. These were supposed to be in the
zone file, but it resides in the "co.cr" file. As a result, these
particular domains wouldn't be resolved adequately. This happens with all
our second-level zones, for examples "somethingsa.cr" would reside in the
"sa.cr" file, which is incorrect. And so on.
I did more tests yesterday. With an initial state database I used
fred-admin in the way I describe below:
fred-admin --registrar_add --handle=NIC-REG1 --country=CR --no_vat
fred-admin --zone_add --zone_fqdn=co.cr --ex_period_min=1\
--ex_period_max=241 --hostmaster=domreg(a)nic.cr --ns_fqdn=ns.cr\
fred-admin --zone_add --zone_fqdn=cr --ex_period_min=1 --ex_period_max=241\
--hostmaster=domreg(a)nic.cr --ns_fqdn=ns.cr --refresh=1800
fred-admin --zone_ns_add --zone_fqdn=cr --ns_fqdn=ns.cr --addr=
(several other fred-admin lines for assigning the domains to the registrar)
Then these fred-client instructions were typed for creating some test
NIC-REG1(a)> create_contact MGUERRA_AT_NIC.CR 'Mario Guerra'
mguerra(a)nic.cr 'ANC' 'San Jose' 2060 CR
NIC-REG1(a)> create_nsset POCO_CR ((ns1.poco.cr
(,(secundario.nic.cr ())) MGUERRA_AT_NIC.CR
NIC-REG1(a)> create_domain poco.co.cr MGUERRA_AT_NIC.CR NULL POCO_CR
NULL (1 y)
NIC-REG1(a)> create_domain poco.cr MGUERRA_AT_NIC.CR NULL POCO_CR
NULL (1 y)
The contents for the co.cr zone:
TTL 18000 ;default TTL for all records in zone
co.cr. IN SOA ns.cr. domreg.nic.cr. (1283811305 1800 3600 1209600 7200)
IN NS ns.cr.
;--- domain records ---
poco.cr. IN NS ns1.poco.cr.
ns1.poco.cr. IN A
poco.cr. IN NS secundario.nic.cr.
poco.co.cr. IN NS ns1.poco.cr.
poco.co.cr. IN NS secundario.nic.cr.
The contents for the testbed cr zone:
$TTL 18000 ;default TTL for all records in zone
cr. IN SOA ns.cr. domreg.nic.cr. (1283811305 1800 3600 1209600 7200)
IN NS ns.cr.
ns.cr. IN A
;--- domain records ---
I also reversed the way how I insert the co.cr and cr zones (firstly the
cr, then the co.cr zone). Same results.
Best regards.
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