Hi again
I inserted this into object_state_request:
"insert into object_state_request (object_id, state_id, valid_to) values
(123456, 5, NULL)"
and it works fine. The domain is outzoned.
Then i want to put it in zone again, so i inserted this:
"insert into object_state_request (object_id, state_id, valid_to) values
(123456, 6, NULL)"
but now i got a problem. The domain is not put into zone again, and whois
Domain is administartively kept out of zone
Domain is administartively kept in zone
Domain is not generated into zone
I guess instead of inserting a new record with state = 6, i should DELETE
the record with state = 5
is that correct ?
On Sat, 2009-05-23 at 19:02 +0100, Petur Kirke wrote:
if i want to outzone one domain immediately,
i must first insert into table object_state_request
and then run object_regular_procedure immediately
is this correct ?
Yes, but you don't need to call complete object_regular_procedure, it's
enough to run object_update_states, so that state of domain will change
to 'outzone'.
Next zone file generation process (calling genzone_client) will avoid
this domain and will not generate it into zone file;