On 19. 10. 20 9:35, Petr Špaček wrote:
On 18. 10. 20 20:04, Petr Kyselák wrote:
Hello team,
most probably we hit the issue !1070 "fix SERVFAIL in *FORWARD modes with certain
CNAME setup" and I would like to ask when we can expect release of knot-resolver
5.2.0 (with the fix) or if there will be "hot fix" in 5.1.x?
example of affected domain:
In general we release new version when the code was sufficiently tested. Sometimes our
testing finds bugs even though visual code inspection did not find any (that's why
test :-)) so I'm hesitant to make any promises about particular date.
You can monitor progress towards 5.2.0 release here:
Once these two lists are empty we are close to the 5.2.0 release.
If you need fix right now and believe Knot Resolver team should "drop everything and
work on it immediatelly" please consider professional support services:
I just realized that you might be interested in an alternative:
Grab patch from
and apply it on top of version 5.1.3.
Beware that this patch did not get through full interoperability testing yet, there might
be bugs or dragons.
Petr Špaček @ CZ.NIC