Zdravím a připomínám, že CSNOG 2025 se bude konat už přespříští týden.
Prosím, zaregistrujte se včas na stránkách:
Na shledanou ve Zlíně!
Za programový výbor
Ondřej Caletka
Zdravím všechny,
setkání CSNOG 2025 se uskuteční 21. a 22. ledna 2025 ve Zlíně. Na
stránkách akce je zveřejněný program a otevřená registrace:
Těšíme se na setkání ve Zlíně!
Za programový výbor
Ondřej Caletka
Dear CSNOG community,
As you may already know, the upcoming RIPE meeting will be hosted by CZ.NIC
in Prague from October 28 to November 1; registration for the meeting is
still open and a draft agenda is published with the final version coming
For more details, check the official page: https://ripe89.ripe.net
Pre-RIPE 89 Online student event
On Monday October 14 (17:00 - 18:30 UTC+2), NCC will organise a free online
event aimed at people currently studying in the fields of networking,
computer science, internet governance and other fields relevant to the RIPE
community. The goal is to introduce them to the RIPE Community, encourage
them to participate at the RIPE Meeting (in-person or online) and provide
them with tips on how to make the most out of it.
In this edition, we are putting a spotlight on the Czech Internet community
and the remarkable contributions to a stable, robust, and resilient
Internet. We prepared a great agenda featuring excellent speakers who will
share their firsthand experiences in founding, managing, and supporting
critical infrastructure projects and initiatives. As we are targeting
undergrad and master students, the speakers will keep the content
relatively high-level and focused on the importance of strong communities.
Agenda and further information are available here:
As a way to lower the participation barriers, NCC has also set aside a
limited number of free student tickets (for all 5 days of the conference).
Application form can be found on the webpage posted above.
Registration for the online event
is free and will be open until the day of the event.
If you are working with students that might be interested in attending,
we'd appreciate it if you could help with spreading the word around. Thank
Kind regards,
Jelena Ćosić
for the RIPE NCC members among CSNOG let me share this invitation for
two training courses taking place soon in Prague:
We invite you to register for our *two day Advanced IPv6
and one day BGP Routing Security
*Training Courses* which will take place in *Prague* on *20-21-22 March
Our training courses are free of charge and *delivered* in *English*.
If you have already benefitted from a RIPE NCC training, we encourage
you to share this email with colleagues who might be interested in
attending this course.
*General Information:*
Register to attend your chosen course(s) through our learning platform:
We have a limited number of places, and registration will close once we
are at capacity.
The course includes lunch and printed training materials.
*Advanced IPv6 Training Course:*
Date: *20-21 March 2024*
Time: 09:00-17:30 local time
Hosted by: MasterDC Prague <https://www.linkedin.com/company/masterdc/>
At the following location: 46 Kodaňská 1441, Praha 10, Prague 101 00,
Czech Republic
The *Advanced IPv6* training course is a *two-day course* that covers
IPv6 topics relevant to network infrastructure. Topics include how to
implement IPv6 in routing protocols like OSPF or BGP, content delivery
over IPv6, mobile networks, transition mechanisms or host configuration
scenarios. Hands-on labs are also provided.
You should attend this training course if you are part of the staff of a
Local Internet Registry (LIR) and if you:
* Have basic knowledge of IPv6 and want to learn more about
implementing IPV6 in a network infrastructure
* Have been told you need to deploy IPv6
* Have experience with IPv4 routing, OSPFv2 and BGP for IPv4
*Course information and registration page*
*BGP Routing Security Training Course:*
Date: *22 March 2024*
Time: 09:00-17:30 local time
Hosted by: MasterDC Prague <https://www.linkedin.com/company/masterdc/>
At the following location: 46 Kodaňská 1441, Praha 10, Prague 101 00,
Czech Republic
BGP Routing Security training course is a one-day course covering
different aspects of the security of BGP protocol. The participant will
gain insight and a high-level understanding of the need for security in
BGP, the main threats it faces and the main security measures that can
be applied nowadays. Some future developments on the topic will also be
covered. The course includes theory and hands-on exercises.
You should attend this training course if you are using, or plan to use,
BGP in your network and want to know more about the potential threats
and the security solutions available to make your BGP routing more secure.
*Course information and registration page*
If you have any questions, please contact learning(a)ripe.net.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Prague!
Kind regards,
RIPE NCC Learning and Development
Zdravím všechny,
CSNOG 2024 se blíží a místa pomalu ubývají. Pokud plánujete akci
navštívit, prosím registrujte se co nejdříve:
If you wish to attend the CSNOG 2024 event, please register ASAP. There
is only a limited number of seat available:
Ondřej Caletka
Zdravím všechny příznivce CSNOG,
rád bych oznámil, že jsme právě otevřeli CfP pro CSNOG 2024:
Nově máme tři tracky, kromě tradičních témat kolem správy sítí přijímáme
také přednášky z oblasti legislativy a regulací, stejně jako akademické
Přihlašování přednášek běží do konce října. Těšíme se na příspěvky!
Za programový výbor CSNOG
Ondřej Caletka
Dear all,
this is the Call for Presentations for the European Peering Forum 2023.
AMS-IX, DE-CIX, LINX, NETNOD and guest IXP NIX.CZ, are happy to host the
European Peering Forum (EPF) 2023 from Sunday the 10th to Wednesday 13th
September 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The event will welcome peering managers and coordinators from networks
connected to the host and guest Internet exchanges.
Besides some interesting topical agenda, the three-day event
accommodates room for attendees to meet on a one-to-one basis to discuss
bilateral peering business opportunities.
The programme committee will be looking for presentations and related to
peering and technical topics of interconnection. Your presentation
should address:
* Interconnection Automation
* Regional Peering
* Interconnection / Peering Internet Governance and Regulatory Topics
* Economic and Product Trends
* Peering / Interconnection strategies
* Interesting findings about Peering / Interconnection
* 400GE and beyond
* Any other hot topic related to Interconnection / Peering
Presentations must be of a non-commercial nature. Product or marketing
heavy talks are strongly discouraged.
Submissions of presentations should be made to the programme committee
<epf-pc(a)peering-forum.eu>. Please include:
* Author's name and e-mail address
* Presentation title
* Abstract
* Slides (if available)
* Time requested (max. 30 minutes incl. Q&A)
Please send in your presentation asap. We decide on a first come first
serve basis. The latest date for submission is July 30th, 2023.
More information about the event and other activities around EPF16 may
be found at
* https://peering-forum.eu/2023/
* https://www.facebook.com/groups/1486607564933665/
On behalf of EPF,
Best regards,
Keep calm, keep distance, keep connected!
Arnold Nipper
email: arnold(a)nipper.de
mobile: +49 172 2650958
Dobrý den,
podařilo se nám zajistit další termín pro setkání českých a slovenských
síťových operátorů. V roce 2024 se sejdeme už v lednu, 23. a 24. a to
opět ve Zlíně.
Přihlášky přednášek, stejně jako další detaily zveřejníme později. Již
dnes si ale můžete udělat poznámku do kalendáře a na uvedené dny nic
jiného neplánovat. :)
Za programový výbor
Ondřej Caletka
Dear all,
I would like to ask for the help of the CSNOG community as I know that
many of you are also members of the RIPE NCC and/or care about the
Internet in our region.
Could you please participate in the RIPE NCC Survey 2023 so that the
views of your community are included in the results? You can take it now at:
The results of the survey will help RIPE NCC to support the Internet
community not only in Czechia or Slovakia but also throughout our
service region. It includes questions on RPKI, IPv6 deployment, Internet
security, challenges that Internet operators face, community development
efforts, the technologies we use, and many more that can help us with
our work and give you valuable insights.
Our last survey in 2019 saw 105 responses from Czechia and Slovakia.
Currently we have about 25 responses. I hope we can get the number up to
the level of the last survey.
RIPE NCC is offering randomly picked winners a range of tech prizes as
well as the chance to attend the RIPE Meeting in Rome in November, or
they can make a donation to charity. The survey will close on 30 June
2023, but the earlier you fill out the survey, the more chances you will
have to win a prize. If you share the survey link on social media with
the hashtag #RIPENCCSurvey you can also win a prize.
And I hope to bring country-specific results back to CSNOG and compare
those results with the overall results and results from countries of a
similar size. So having a strong response rate will really help with that.
All the details are on the survey page. Everyone is welcome to take it.
And if you have questions, just let me know.
All the best,
Ondřej Caletka