
  • 16 discussions

EPF15 Call for Presentations // Rome, Italy // CSNOG
by Arnold Nipper
2 years, 7 months

CSNOG 2022 zveřejnil program a otevřel registrace
by Ondřej Caletka
2 years, 9 months

by Ondřej Caletka
3 years, 4 months

Reminder: call for abstract for CSNOG 2021 is still open
by Ondřej Caletka
3 years, 5 months

Call for Abstracts for CSNOG 2021 open!
by Ondřej Caletka
3 years, 6 months

[FYI] Call for Presentations for the virtual European Peering Forum 2021
by Arnold Nipper
3 years, 6 months

Save the date for CSNOG 2021 - 13-14 Oct
by Ondřej Caletka
3 years, 8 months

Online CSNOG právě začíná!
by Ondřej Caletka
4 years, 5 months

CSNOG 2020 will be held online, free of charge
by Ondřej Caletka
4 years, 5 months

Registration opened for CSNOG 2020
by Ondřej Caletka
4 years, 7 months
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