This is a call for Presentations for the European Peering Forum 2022
AMS-IX, DE-CIX, LINX, Netnod are happy to host the European
Peering Forum (EPF) 2022 from the 12th - 14th September 2022 in
Rome, Italy.
The event will welcome peering managers and coordinators from networks
connected to the host Internet exchanges.
Besides some interesting topical agenda, the three-day event
accommodates room for attendees to meet on a one-to-one basis
to discuss bilateral peering business opportunities.
The programme committee will be looking for presentations and related to
peering and technical topics of interconnection. Your presentation should
* Interconnection Automation
* Regional Peering
* Interconnection / Peering Internet Governance and Regulatory Topics
* Economic and Product Trends
* Peering / Interconnection strategies
* Interesting findings about Peering / Interconnection
* 400GE and beyond
* Any other hot topic related to Interconnection / Peering
Presentations must be of a non-commercial nature. Product or
marketing heavy talks are strongly discouraged.
Submissions of presentations should be made to the programme
committee <epf-pc(a)>. Please include:
* Author's name and e-mail address
* Presentation title
* Abstract
* Slides (if available)
* Time requested (max. 30 minutes incl. Q&A)
Please send in your presentation asap. We decide on a first come first
serve basis. The latest date for submission is July 30th.
More information about the event and other activities around the
EPF 2022 may be found at
Greetings, and welcome you all in Rome
Keep calm, keep distance, keep connected!
Arnold Nipper
email: arnold(a)
mobile: +49 172 2650958
Zdravím všechny,
s lítostí musím oznámit, že setkání CSNOG letos neproběhne.
Původně se mělo setkání konat online příští týden. Vzhledem k nízkému
zájmu o online akce a zároveň zlepšení pandemické situace jsme se
setkání na poslední chvíli rozhodli přesunout na 11. listopadu, jako
přidruženou akci konference IT 21. Bohužel jsme nepostřehli, že daný
termín koliduje s konferencí KKTS Olomouc [1], kterážto cílí na velmi
blízkou cílovou skupinu.
Nechceme tříštit zájem mezi dvě akce, proto jsme se rozhodli letošní
setkání CSNOG odložit na příští rok. Zkusíme se vrátit k tradičnímu
termínu v první polovině roku 2022.
Děkuji všem za pochopení a doufám, že se příští rok už konečně osobně
Ondřej Caletka
Hi there,
I would like to remind you that the call for abstracts for CSNOG 2021
(13th - 14th Oct) is still open.
Feel free to submit your abstracts before the end of this month using
this link:
Ondřej Caletka
the next CSNOG meeting will take place on October 13th - 14th. Please
submit your talk proposals:
See you all in October!
Ondřej Caletka
Dear all
This is a call for Presentations for the virtual European Peering Forum 2021
AMS-IX, DE-CIX, LINX, Netnod are happy to host the virtual European
Peering Forum (EPF) 2021 from the 20th - 22th September 2021.
The event will welcome peering managers and coordinators from networks
connected to the host Internet exchanges.
Besides some interesting topical agenda, the three-day event
accommodates room for attendees to meet virtually on a one-to-one basis
to discuss bilateral peering business opportunities.
The programme committee will be looking for presentations related to
peering and technical topics of interconnection. Your presentation should
* Interconnection Automation
* Regional Peering
* Interconnection / Peering Internet Governance and Regulatory Topics
* Economic and Product Trends
* Peering / Interconnection strategies
* Interesting findings about Peering / Interconnection
* 400GE and beyond
* Any other hot topic related to Interconnection / Peering
Presentations must be of a non-commercial nature. Product or
marketing-heavy talks are strongly discouraged.
Submissions of presentations should be made to the programme
committee <epf-pc(a)>. Please include:
* Author's name and e-mail address
* Presentation title
* Abstract
* Slides (if available)
* Time requested (max. 30 minutes incl. Q&A)
Please send in your presentation asap. We decide on a first come first
serve basis. The latest date for submission is July 30th.
More information about the event and other activities around the virtual
EPF 2021 may be found at
Keep calm, keep distance, keep connected!
Arnold Nipper
email: arnold(a)
mobile: +49 172 2650958
Good Morning,
the next online meeting of CSNOG community is planned for 13-14 October
2021. Please save the date!
See you all in October!
On behalf of the orgs
Ondřej Caletka
Hello everybody,
this year's CSNOG meeting will take place from 8th to 9th September 2020
in Brno. We have now published first abstracts and opened the
registration. See the accepted abstracts here:
Register for the meeting here:
See you all in Brno!
On behalf of the organizers,
Ondřej Caletka