Hello everybody,
this year's CSNOG meeting will take place from 8th to 9th September 2020
in Brno. The call for abstract has been extended to the end of June.
Please submit your abstracts using Indico platform:
Ondřej Caletka
Dobrý den!
Všimli jsme si (díky Miloši Dlouhému z WIA za upozornění), že naše
IPv6 prefixy (a i několik dalších českých IPv6 rout) jsou předmětem
velkého množství BGP updatů - pro naše tři IPv6 prefixy, které
announcuje AS29134, to dělalo 7-10 tis. updatů v hodině [1].
Koukáním do BGPlay jsem tipnul, že updaty vznikají
periodicky-se-opakujícím přestavováním cest v trojúhelníku mezi jedním
naším upstreamem - AS5588 a dvojicí AS1299 a AS3356. Nepovedlo se mi
hlášením problému skrz zákaznický kanál vyvolat ani po několika dnech
pozitivní vyřešení problému a tak jsem tento upstream v neděli 21. 7.
odpojil, abych stabilizoval své prefixy. Zdá se, že pro nás to pomohlo
- až do okamžiku vypnutí náš graf prakticky kopíruje graf AS5588 [2].
Od vypnutí jsme na několika málo updatech v hodině.
Problém není úplně malý, dokonce se několik českých ASek se dostalo do
TOP 50 nejaktivnějších AS v IPv6 internetu - vizte [3].
Tímto se omlouvám, pokud naše updaty někomu nadělaly nějaké potíže a
zároveň si dovoluji členům této skupiny zdvořile navrhnout kontrolu
jejich prefixů v RIPEstat, která by mohla napomoct k lokalizaci a
vyřešení příčiny problému.
Přeji hezký den,
Tomáś Hlaváček
[1] https://stat.ripe.net/widget/bgp-update-activity#w.resource=AS29134
[2] https://stat.ripe.net/widget/bgp-update-activity#w.resource=AS5588
[3] http://bgpupdates.potaroo.net/instability/v6-bgpupd.html
Hi everyone,
The Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) is maintaining a wealth of
training material related to BGP, Peering, IXPs, Routing Security etc.:
Feel free to use it or recommend it for anybody who's interrested.
Ondřej Caletka
Hi everyone,
I'm a researcher at UC Berkeley and the International Computer Science
Institute. My colleagues and I are working on evaluating and improving the
accuracy of blacklists. As part of this work, we'd like to hear from you
about the blacklists you currently use, what you perceive as their
strengths and weaknesses, and any thoughts you have on how they might be
We've prepared an anonymous survey where you can share your views:
If you have five to ten minutes free today to fill it out, I would greatly
appreciate your help! Thank you, and please don't hesitate to respond to me
with comments or questions.
(Apologies if you receive this message twice - trying to minimize
cross-posting while still reaching a broad audience)
Anushah Hossain, PhD Student
Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley
Dear Community
This is the Call for Presentations European Peering Forum 14 (EPF14)
AMS-IX, DE-CIX, LINX and Netnod are happy to host the 14th European
Peering Forum (EPF) in Tallinn, Estonia from the 16th - 18th
September 2019. The event will welcome up to 300 peering managers and
coordinators from networks connected to the host Internet exchanges.
Besides an interesting topical agenda, the three-day event
accommodates room for attendees to meet on a one-to-one basis to
discuss bilateral peering business opportunities.
The programme committee will be looking for presentations and
lightning talks related to peering and technical topics of
interconnection. Your presentation should address
* Interconnection Automation
* Regional Peering
* Interconnection / Peering Internet Governance and Regulatory Topics
* Economic and Product Trends
* Peering / Interconnection strategies
* Interesting findings about Peering / Interconnection
* 400GE and beyond
Presentations must be of a non-commercial nature. Product or
marketing heavy talks are strongly discouraged.
Submissions of presentations should be made to the programme
committee <epf-pc(a)peering-forum.eu>. Please include:
* Author's name and e-mail address
* Presentation title
* Abstract
* Slides (if available)
* Time requested (max. 30 minutes incl. Q&A)
Presentation Abstract Deadline 15/07/2019 12:00 UTC
Final Selection of Speakers 26/07/2019
Presentation Slides Submission Deadline 02/09/2019 12:00 UTC
More information about the event and other activities around EPF14
may be found at
* https://peering-forum.eu/
* https://www.facebook.com/groups/1486607564933665/
Best regards
Arnold Nipper
email: arnold(a)nipper.de
mobile: +49 172 2650958
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Od: csnog-request(a)lists.csnog.eu
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