Alek for Oregon Google and GMAIL are censoring conservative emails. But you
might not know it. Up to 72% of Republican fundraising emails have been marked
as SPAM! We quite literally ran toward a terrorist armed with cans of gasoline
on a suicide mission.
🥰 Lisa just viewed your profile! Click here: 🥰,
Are our emails still making it into your inbox?
We’re sending out this email to see how many people on our mailing list
receive it and open the content within.
Because if reports out this week are to be believed, then you might not have
been receiving our communication recently if your're a a gmail user.Yep -
Google and their GMAIL brand are sending Republican fundraising/communication
emails to spam while at the same time allowing nearly all of Democrats’ emails
to deliver into inboxes like yours.
What’s more – Google’s political bias is costing campaigns like ours to miss
out on major sums of cash that could use to win races like the hotly contested
race I’m running in.Since 2019, GMAIL is said to have cost Republican
candidates across the nation nearly $1.5 billion in contributions.”
Would you do me a favor andlet us know if you received this email?
It would really go a long way in helping us to ensure google is treating our
campaign’s online communication the same they’re handling our opponent’s.
Thankful for your help,
Alek Skarlatos
Republican for Congress
Alek is a former Oregon National Guardsman, completing a nine-month deployment
in Afghanistan. Alek, along with four others, stopped an armed terrorist on a
Paris-bound train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris in August 2015. His heroism
earned him several awards and medals around the world.To support Alek’s
campaign chip in $5 or more today!
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Paid For By Alek For Oregon
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The Democrat I'm running against has skated to re-election because no Republican has given him a run for his money, until now.
Thank you for becoming a part of my team. I'm so grateful you've taken an interest in my campaign.
I'm running for Congress because it's my life's mission to do whatever I can to keep our country moving forward, and to protect American's from those who wish to do us harm.
The race I'm in is WINNABLE - there are just as many Republican voters in my Oregon district as there are Democrats, and if we want to take back the House in November, my district is the type we need to flip.
Thank you,
Alek Skarlatos
Republican for Congress
Follow Alek On Social Media!
Paid for by Alek for Oregon
by Paedagogium Schwerin/Europaschule Gymnasium mit Grundschule
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