V��en� pan�, v��en� pane, dovolujeme si V�s zdvo�ile po��dat o kontrolu spr�vnosti �daj�, kter� nyn� evidujeme u Va�eho kontaktu v centr�ln�m registru dom�nov�ch jmen. ID kontaktu v registru: Organizace: Jm�no: Adresa: DI�: Telefon: Fax: E-mail: Notifika�n� e-mail: Ur�en� registr�tor: Jm�no spole�nosti a URL ze seznamu registr�tor� Dal�� informace poskytnut� registr�torem: Se ��dost� o opravu �daj� se nev�hejte obr�tit na sv�ho vybran�ho registr�tora. Aktu�ln�, �pln� a spr�vn� informace v registru znamenaj� Va�i jistotu, �e V�s d�le�it� informace o Va�� dom�n� zastihnou v�dy a v�as na spr�vn� adrese. Nedo�k�te se tak nep��jemn�ho p�ekvapen� v podob� nefunk�n� �i zru�en� dom�ny. Dovolujeme si V�s rovn�� upozornit, �e nespr�vn�, nepravdiv�, ne�pln� �i zav�d�j�c� �daje mohou b�t v souladu s Pravidly registrace dom�nov�ch jmen v ccTLD .cz d�vodem ke zru�en� registrace dom�nov�ho jm�na! Chcete m�t snadn�j�� p��stup ke spr�v� Va�ich �daj�? Zalo�te si mojeID. Krom� n�stroje, kter�m m��ete snadno a bezpe�n� spravovat �daje v centr�ln�m registru, z�sk�te tak� prost�edek pro jednoduch� p�ihla�ov�n� k Va�im obl�ben�m webov�m slu�b�m jedin�m jm�nem a heslem. Pro v�ce informac� n�s nev�hejte kontaktovat! �pln� v�pis z registru obsahuj�c� v�echny dom�ny a dal�� objekty p�i�azen� k shora uveden�mu kontaktu naleznete v p��loze. V�� t�m CZ.NIC. P��loha: Seznam dom�n kde je kontakt v roli dr�itele nebo administrativn�ho nebo do�asn�ho kontaktu Seznam sad jmenn�ch server�, kde je kontakt v roli technick�ho kontaktu: Seznam sad kl���, kde je kontakt v roli technick�ho kontaktu Dear Sir or Madam, Please check the accuracy of the information we currently have on file for your contact in the central registry of domain names. Contact ID in the registry: Organization: Name: Address: VAT No.: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Notification e-mail: Designated registrator: registrar_name and registrar_url from list of registrars Other information provided by registrar: Do not hesitate to contact your selected registrar with a correction request. Having current, complete and accurate information in the registry means you can be sure the important information about your domain is always available in time at the right address. In this way you will avoid an unpleasant surprise in the form of a non-functioning or cancelled domain. We would also like to inform you that in accordance with the Rules of Domain Name Registration for the .cz ccTLD, incorrect, false, incomplete or misleading information can be grounds for the cancellation of a domain name registration. Please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information. You can find attached a complete extract from the registry containing all the domains and other items associated with the above contact. Your CZ.NIC team. Attachment: List of domains where the contact is a holder or an administrative or temporary contact List of sets of name servers on which the contact is a technical contact List of keysets on which the contact is a technical contact