Excellent, thanks! Please let me know when it is fixed and pushed into the distros (since you convinced me that I can't just build from source :-) ).

--Paul Hoffman

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 3:37 AM, Vladimír Čunát <vladimir.cunat@nic.cz> wrote:

On 02/25/2018 01:15 AM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> Have I configured Knot Resolver incorrectly? For Knot 2.2.1, do I need
> a different form for the names in order to get the kskroll-sentinel
> effect to kick in?

You seem to have found a bug in the implementation.  Thanks!  Currently
the module will only fire if the query contains AD or DO bit, which
unfortunately kills usual javascript detectors.  We will fix this.
