can someone please give me any explanation (or command) how my domain registrator got from this record what i give him:
liberland.cz.           3600    DNSKEY  257 3 13 ei9T3egqng+nlAHeNfF6BzggGCyvS2lU5ih2BZuvkzFGxkBdUJ0blgSiW5iYIROvAEHQv5Ls3sNPA9JIt8iRjg==

this record:
liberland.cz.           17999   IN      DS      21107 13 2 9405F3324FDCE3F0CC4E5D94CBFB5D8A4F211E3010D447B5FD73765F9EEC20EB

I want sign child zones but I can't find where i get hash ,,9405F3324FDCE3F0CC4E5D94CBFB5D8A4F211E3010D447B5FD73765F9EEC20EB"

And algorithm in RFC:

digest = digest_algorithm( DNSKEY owner name | DNSKEY RDATA);
"|" denotes concatenation
DNSKEY RDATA = Flags | Protocol | Algorithm | Public Key.

doesn't help me :-/

Thanks and regards,