Hi Stefan,
I'm sorry, it's not possible to configure more DNSSEC policies (more
algorithms) per one zone at the same time.
Maybe, with the manual key management and more configuration files when
generating keys via keymgr, it could work somehow. But I'm not sure and
probably it's not what you are looking for :-)
On 22. 07. 21 16:55, Schindler, Stefan wrote:
> Hi all
> I am currently running these two policies:
> ```
> policy:
> - id: edecc
> algorithm: ed25519
> nsec3: on
> - id: rsa
> algorithm: RSASHA256
> ksk-size: 2048
> zsk-size: 2048
> nsec3: on
> ```
> I tried enabling both with this command, but to no effect:
> ```
> dnssec-policy: [ edecc, rsa ]
> ```
> Is there a way to do both at the same time in one zone?
> I am currently running knot 3.0.8
> Cheers,
> Stefan