
this might be a rather stupid question.

I have a fresh install of Debian Stretch with all updates and Knot Resolver 1.4.0. installed from CZ.NIC repositories. I've set up a rather simple configuration allowing our users to use the resolver and everything works fine (systemd socket override for listening on LAN). I have however noticed that kresd logs every single query into /var/log/syslog, generating approx. 1 MB/min worth of logs on our server. I've looked into documentation and haven't found any directive to control the logging behavior. Is there something I might be missing? I would preferrably like to see only warnings in the log.

Here's my config:
# cat /etc/knot-resolver/kresd.conf
net = { '', '::1', '<my.lan.ip>' }
cache.size = 4 * GB

Thanks for the help.

Thomas Van Nuit

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