On 07/07/2016 03:52 PM, georg@riseup.net wrote:
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your fast reply!

On 16-07-07 15:43:58, Daniel Salzman wrote:
Knot utilities version 2.x no longer support dnssec-keygen file
format. You have to store the key in a file in the same form as the
program argument:
I see.

Btw, you can generate TSIG keys via keymgr:
$ keymgr tsig generate example.com
Thanks, this works as intended.

Is this a common problem uneducated people like me are running into,
when upgrading from 1.X to 2.X? If so, maybe the docs could expaned with
a "common traps" section?

You are the first user complaining about this change. Maybe we should extend the documentation.

Thank you,

All the best,

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