On 10/01/2017 11:26 PM, Thomas Van Nuit wrote:
What is the proper way of autostarting Knot Resolver 1.4.0 on systemd (Debian Stretch in my case) to be able to listen on interfaces other from localhost?
Oct 01 23:17:12 <myhostname> systemd[1]: kresd.socket: Failed to listen on sockets: Cannot assign requested address
Oct 01 23:17:12 <myhostname> systemd[1]: Failed to listen on Knot DNS Resolver network listeners.
Oct 01 23:17:12 <myhostname> systemd[1]: kresd.socket: Unit entered failed state.

I'm not sure immediately.  My first guess would be that either the address is wrong (i.e. not assigned to this machine), or some other daemon is already listening on that IP:port combination.

Also, this is also in the log (again, Debian default):
Oct 01 23:18:22 <myhostname> kresd[639]: [ ta ] keyfile '/usr/share/dns/root.key': not writeable, starting in unmanaged mode
The file has permissions 644 for root:root. Should this be owned by knot, or writeable by others?

In general, it depends on how you want to update the root.key.  In Debian it's within a package by default, and therefore it's read-only and updates are left to on the package system.  Another way is to have a writable file and let kresd manage it according to RFC 5011.
