Hi Georg,

Yesterday, we have fixed the double free. But this issue still requires some testing,
because automatic signing with disabled zone file synchronization brings some

How do you update the zone file and what type of changes do you do?
Do you simply reload the server or restart?


On 12/01/2016 02:58 AM, georg@riseup.net wrote:
Hi Jeroen, Ondřej, all,

On 16-11-09 16:23:24, Jeroen Massar wrote:
It ran fine for a bit, till I noticed the signatures of the zone had
expired and noticed the master simply did not bother to update the sigs
anymore. So much for 'automatic' mode.

Restarting it caused a nice crash:

Debian provided jessie-backports 2.3.1-1~bpo8:
knotd[6679]: *** Error in `/usr/sbin/knotd': double free or corruption
(out): 0x00007f4244042e80 ***

Then was like... lets try the latest edition:

Debian provided unstable 2.3.2-1:
knotd[11892] general protection ip:7fb8f7f0f218 sp:7fb8ce1cc3b0 error:0
in libc-2.24.so[7fb8f7e98000+195000]
Any news on that?


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