Good Morning all,


We (i.e. .RW registry – RICTA Ltd.) are not using FRED but I think the prepayment model is more or less the same.


#1. We don’t pre-invoice the registrars based on a “pre-established” list of domain names.

This is a lot of work, and it won’t scale if you have 100 of registrars, unless the registry does that for them.

But even if it is possible from the registry, it is a lot of work for “them” (i.e. manual work).


Therefore, they (registrars) just send money/amount, let say $500 or 30,000 RWF, and that is what we issue the invoice for.

With a simple description, i.e. “Advance payment”. BTW, the amount can vary depending on what they want to register, renew, etc.

The law in Rwanda don’t allow to receive money without an invoice. (it being advance or actual payment).


#2. Once received, we credit their accounts in the Registry system. (still a manual process).

Then they can do whatever they want with it (i.e. do registration, renewal, pay for transfer fees, etc.).


I think this approach (above) is more flexible.


A little additional info:


The money received from registrars, is a liability until it is consumed.

Until it is consumed, it cannot yet be called revenues from your side (registry).

From financial “documents” perspective, an un-consumed advance payment is a liability that needs to seat in the balance sheet.

Once the revenue is realized (end of month), the money can be recognized in you Income statement. (you debit the liability and credit your income accounts).


Sorry if this is perhaps more than what you asked for.


Thank you,



.RW registry


From: fred-users <> on behalf of Jaromir Talir <>
Reply-To: A mailing list for users and developers of FRED registry system <>
Date: Friday, 23 June 2017 at 17:18
To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: payments - invoices and statements on FRED registry system


Hi Paulos,


I guess this is more question for some Malawi lawyer. In Czech Republic

we have a law that we should issue invoice when we receive advanced

payment. However, this may be something specific for our legislation.

Also every legislation specifies what should be the content of the

invoice in that case (issuer, recipient, day of payment, effective day

of service, etc..). This may differ country to country as well. FRED

contains PDF templates for invoices according Czech legislation. I

cannot say if they may be used for you as well.


If you will be in Joburg, we can have a talk about it there.





On Fri, 2017-06-16 at 05:15 +0200, Dr P Nyirenda wrote:


I would like to find out how your registry responds to a request like

the one here below

for invoices and statements on registrar payments to a registry that

uses the FRED

registry system.

On our registry for the Malawi .mw ccTLD, registrar payments are

credited to the

registrar zone by zone according to what the registrar has paid for.

Once the registrar

has consumed the credit, then they need to make a new payment in

advance which is then

credited to the zones that they need.

We do not need to issue them an invoice in advance, they make the

payments based on what

transactions they need to do on each zone.

When we receive a request for their data payments, we have used

Invoice on Daphne to

generate the data and we have sent this to the registrar.

However, as you can see here below, this registrar seems to be asking

for more.

I would therefore like to request information on how your registry

using FRED handles

requests for data, invoices and statements like these.




Dr Paulos B Nyirenda

NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD

------- Forwarded message follows -------

From:                Jamil Kamaly <>

To:     "" <>

Copies to:        Michal Czyz <>, domains mw


           PB Nyirenda <>

Subject:            RE: Malawi payments.

Date sent:       Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:56:39 +0000

Hi Dr Paulos,

I think you might have misunderstood, I wasn’t complaining. The

details you provided me

in April was excel spreadsheet with payment details and the zones

that were topped. We

need proper invoices and statements and therefore I was following  up

on our last

conversation where you was saying that you are developing a system to

make this possible.

I was just checking if this is now possible and would we be getting

proper statements

and invoices.

Thank you.

Kind regards,



Malawi SDNP Webmail:

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Jaromir Talir

Technicky partner / Technical Fellow


CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.  --    .cz domain registry

Milesovska 5, 130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic tel:+420.222745107

mob:+420.739632712       fax:+420.222745112



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