Jaromír Talíø escribió:
Mario Guerra pí¹e v St 13. 05. 2009 v 16:30 -0600:
We would like to separate files for different subzones. Two possible 

1. Some option from genzone_client using an only zone.
2. Defining zones in FRED .cr, .ac.cr, .co.cr and the like (notice the 
second-level zone).

You can define these 3 zones in FRED and during generation you will get
3 zone files.


Yes, I tested that. For generating the zone files per-se that is exactly what happens.

Then I did this. I have created  a nsset named ACLACCR, which is for the domain acl.ac.cr. Our .cr zone is number 4 and ac.cr, number 5.

I created a test acl.ac.cr domain using said nsset.

When generating the zone cr and then ac.cr. The domain is associated with the .cr zone file (db.cr)  not with .ac.cr zone file.

Checking the domain FRED table I can see that the just created acl.ac.cr domain is associated with zone 4, that is .cr.

I guess that when creating a domain, the zone associated is the first one, sequentially-wise, which is consistent with the domain name. For example, if the domain is acl.ac.cr, the first zone which has a suffix consistent with the zone is number 4, which correspond to .cr zone.  I suppose, then, that if had created ac.cr with, say, number 4 and .cr with number 5, the zone associated by default would be ac.cr.

I did a further test,  changing the zone number in the domain table to 5. Then I regenerated both zones and now acl.ac.cr was associated with the ac.cr zone file.

Am I on the right track?.
