i've done as you said but when i run fred-client i get an authentication error allthough i'm putting the right username and passwd in fred-client.conf
root@nic0:~# fred-client -f /etc/fred/fred-client.conf
Czech translation not available
FredClient upstream/2.6.0.rc1-92-g7aa8
Type "help", "license" or "credits" for more information.
Using configuration from /etc/fred/fred-client.conf
Connecting to localhost, port 700 ...
ERROR: Login failed.
;; Example of configuration file.
;; Modify line with schema=... and dir=... set real path of your files.
;; and save into /etc/fred/fred-client.conf or ~/.fred-client.conf
;; EXPLANATION: Double semicolon (;;) means comment. Single semicolon (;) means disabled value.
host = localhost
port = 700
ssl_cert = %(dir)s/test-cert.pem
ssl_key = %(dir)s/test-key.pem
#username = REG-FRED_A
#password = passwd
#username2 = REG-FRED_B
#password2 = passwd
username = NIC-REG1
password = passwd
;; Every XML namespace can have the version independent to others:
;schema_version_contact = 1.4
;schema_version_nsset = 1.2
;schema_version_domain = 1.3
;schema_version_enum = 1.1
;schema_version_fred = 1.2
;schema_version_epp = 1.0
;; socket timeout in sec. In MS Windows MUST be set to 0.0 (timeout bug)
timeout = 10.0
;; Force socket type. Valid value is: IPv4 or IPv6.
;; Default is to use server's socket type.
;socket = IPv6
;; turn off automatic login process after start up
;nologin = y
;; send "poll ack" right after to "poll req"
poll_autoack = off
;; confirm all editable commands
confirm_send_commands = on
;; enable/disable xmllint
validate = on
;; display colors on tty console
colors = on
;; if your input is escaped ('<example&test>'), set this value on
escaped_input = on
;; set verbose level 1,2,3
verbose = 1
;; if lang is not set, it used value from os.environ.LANG
;; lang = cs
lang = en
;; substitution of NULL value
;null_value = None
;; substitution of SKIP value
;skip_value = None
;; cltrID - client transaction ID for all communication
;; Symbol %d is replaced by number of the command.
;; Value 04 between % and d pads all numbers to four digits (leading zero).
; cltrid = myid%04d
;; Reconnect automaticly if connection fell down (default yes)
; reconnect = no
what could it be?