Status handling --------------- Objects registred in registry can be described by their state. State is formalized as a list of a state objects connected to registry object. These state objects means some important binary characteristic observed on registry object useful for funcionality of registry. State objects capture and store this characteristicts in separate table to provide complete history of state of registry objects and to separate parts of system that set status and parts that query and use this status. They can be defined for one of following reasons: 1) state provides some important information for registry clients 2) state activates or support some functionality of registry 3) state allows better description of other accumulative states 4) state is useful for administrative object filtering capability There are other characterics that divide group of status objects from different points of view. 1) External/Internal - External states are exported to registry clients through EPP protocol. Some of these states are also shown to public. Internal states are define exclusively for internal functionality of registry. 2) Manual/Automatic - Manual states are set by registry administrator for specified period of time. Automatic states reflect status of registry. Automatic states serves as materialization of virtual condition that come true on registry object. This division is needed because administrator can set manual state for period in future. If he dicides to cancel this request before start of this period, object will never switch to this requested state. Because of this, manual states or better manual state requests have to be probably listed seperately on actual state evidence. 3) Structural/Time based - Automatic states can be tied only to structural status of objects in registry or they depend on current time. This is useful in specification of time when status is captured. Structural states can be captured after associated operation on registry. Time based states must be captured by some periodicaly started service. Not every state is valid for specific type of object. Status/Type association is useful for administration interface. It can provide list of states valid for specified type to show in object query dialog and it can disable setting manual state for invalid type. State changing subsystem is linked to other subsystems. On the input side, this subsystem use information from registry object properties. States are then used by following subystems (reason 2): 1) EPP Registration subsystem - uses states to block some EPP commands - unregister object in deleteCandidate state 2) Notification subsystem - entering some states is followed by email and/or poll message notification 3) Zone generation subsytem - only domains without outzone status are generated (outzone status history can be used to incremental update mechanism) List of states -------------- id | name | T | M | E | S | R | Condition | Description/Result | | | A | I | T | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | serverDeleteProhibited | DCN | M | E | - | 12 4 | | (2)EPP command delete fail 2 | serverRenewProhibited | D | M | E | - | 12 4 | | (2)EPP command renew fail 3 | serverTransferProhibited | DCN | M | E | - | 12 4 | | (2)EPP command transfer fail 4 | serverUpdateProhibited | DCN | M | E | - | 12 4 | | (2)EPP command update fail 5 | serverOutzoneManual | D | M | E | - | 1234 | | (2)Domain must be in zone, (3)def outzone | | | | | | | | (exclusive to serverOutzoneManual) 6 | serverInzoneManual | D | M | E | - | 1234 | | (2)Domain must not be in zone, (3)def outzone | | | | | | | | (exclusive to serverInzoneManual) 7 | serverBlocked | D | M | E | - | 1 4 | | (2)Inhibit setting all server* states 13 | expirationWarning | D | A | I | T | 2 4 | domain.exdate - 30 < today | (2)notification 8 | expired | D | A | E | T | 12 4 | domain.exdate < today | (2)notification 10 | unguarded | D | A | I | T | 34 | domain.exdate + 30 < today(14h) | (3)def outzone 14 | validationWarning1 | D | A | I | T | 2 4 | domain.valexdate - 30 < today | (2)notification 15 | validationWarning2 | D | A | I | T | 2 4 | domain.valexdate - 15 < today | (2)notification 9 | notValidated | D | A | E | T | 12 4 | domain.valexdate < today(14h) | (2)notification 11 | nssetMissing | D | A | I | S | 34 | domain.nsset == NULL | (3)def outzone 12 | outzone | D | A | E | T | 12 4 | nssetMissing || servOutMan || | (2)notification, (2)zone generation | | | | | | | ((unguarded || notVal) && !servInMan) | 16 | linked | CN | A | E | S | 1 34 | N (id IN (domain.nsset)) | (3)def deleteCandidate | | | | | | | C (id IN (registrant, admin, temp, tech)) | 17 | deleteCandidate | DCN | A | I | T | 2 4 | D (exdate +45 < today) | (2)invoke unregistration | | | | | | | C N (max(crdate,last linked)+6m < today | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?? EPP operation by system registrar (manual changes) are also prohibited? ?? in case period is in future serverBlocked set inzone or outzone? Database tables --------------- CREATE TABLE enum_object_states ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(30) NOT NULL, types INTEGER[] NOT NULL, manual BOOLEAN NOT NULL, external BOOLEAN NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE enum_object_states_desc ( state_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES enum_object_states (id), lang CHAR(2) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (state_id,lang) ); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (01,'serverDeleteProhibited','{1,2,3}','t','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (02,'serverRenewProhibited ','{3}','t','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (03,'serverTransferProhibited','{1,2,3}','t','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (04,'serverUpdateProhibited','{1,2,3}','t','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (05,'serverOutzoneManual','{3}','t','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (06,'serverInzoneManual','{3}','t','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (07,'serverBlocked','{3}','t','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (08,'expirationWarning','{3}','f','f'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (09,'expired','{3}','f','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (10,'unguarded','{3}','f','f'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (11,'validationWarning1','{3}','f','f'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (12,'validationWarning2','{3}','f','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (13,'notValidated','{3}','f','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (14,'nssetMissing','{3}','f','f'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (15,'outzone','{3}','f','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (16,'linked','{1,2}','f','t'); INSERT INTO enum_object_states VALUES (17,'deleteCandidade','{1,2,3}','f','f'); CREATE TABLE object_state ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, object_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES object_registry (id), state_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES enum_object_states (id), valid_from TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, valid_to TIMESTAMP ); CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum ( BASETYPE = anyelement, sfunc = array_append, stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}' ); CREATE VIEW object_state_now AS SELECT object_id, array_accum(state_id) AS states FROM object_state -- WHERE valid_from<=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND (valid_to ISNULL OR valid_to>=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) WHERE valid_to ISNULL GROUP BY object_id; CREATE TABLE object_state_request ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, object_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES object_registry (id), state_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES enum_object_states (id), valid_from TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, valid_to TIMESTAMP, crdate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, -- could be pointer to some list of administration actions canceled TIMESTAMP -- could be pointer to some list of administration actions ); CREATE VIEW object_state_request_now AS SELECT object_id, array_accum(state_id) AS states FROM object_state_request WHERE valid_from>=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND (valid_to ISNULL OR valid_to>=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AND canceled ISNULL GROUP BY object_id; CREATE VIEW domain_states AS SELECT AS object_id, COALESCE(osr.states,'{}') || CASE WHEN d.exdate - INTERVAL '30 days' <= CURRENT_DATE THEN ARRAY[8] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN d.exdate <= CURRENT_DATE THEN ARRAY[9] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN d.exdate + INTERVAL '30 days' + INTERVAL '14 hours' <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP THEN ARRAY[10] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN e.exdate - INTERVAL '30 days' <= CURRENT_DATE THEN ARRAY[11] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN e.exdate - INTERVAL '15 days' <= CURRENT_DATE THEN ARRAY[12] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN e.exdate + INTERVAL '14 hours' <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP THEN ARRAY[13] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN d.nsset ISNULL THEN ARRAY[14] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN d.nsset ISNULL OR 5 = ANY(osr.states) OR ( d.exdate + INTERVAL '30 days' + INTERVAL '14 hours' <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP OR e.exdate + INTERVAL '14 hours' <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) AND NOT (6 = ANY(osr.states)) THEN ARRAY[15] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN d.exdate + INTERVAL '45 days' + INTERVAL '14 hours' <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP THEN ARRAY[17] ELSE '{}' END AS states FROM domain d LEFT JOIN enumval e ON ( LEFT JOIN object_state_request_now osr ON (; CREATE VIEW nsset_states AS SELECT AS object_id, COALESCE(osr.states,'{}') || CASE WHEN NOT(d.nsset ISNULL) THEN ARRAY[16] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN ISNULL AND CAST(COALESCE(l.last_linked,o.crdate) AS DATE) + INTERVAL '6 month' + INTERVAL '14 hours' <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP THEN ARRAY[17] ELSE '{}' END AS states FROM object_registry o, nsset n LEFT JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT nsset FROM domain ) AS d ON ( LEFT JOIN ( SELECT object_id, MAX(valid_to) AS last_linked FROM object_state WHERE state_id=16 GROUP BY object_id ) AS l ON ( LEFT JOIN object_state_request_now osr ON ( WHERE o.type=2 AND; CREATE VIEW contact_states AS SELECT AS object_id, COALESCE(osr.states,'{}') || CASE WHEN NOT(cl.cid ISNULL) THEN ARRAY[16] ELSE '{}' END || CASE WHEN cl.cid ISNULL AND CAST(COALESCE(l.last_linked,o.crdate) AS DATE) + INTERVAL '6 month' + INTERVAL '14 hours' <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP THEN ARRAY[17] ELSE '{}' END AS states FROM object_registry o, contact c LEFT JOIN ( SELECT registrant AS cid FROM domain UNION SELECT contactid AS cid FROM domain_contact_map UNION SELECT contactid AS cid FROM nsset_contact_map ) AS cl ON ( LEFT JOIN ( SELECT object_id, MAX(valid_to) AS last_linked FROM object_state WHERE state_id=16 GROUP BY object_id ) AS l ON ( LEFT JOIN object_state_request_now osr ON ( WHERE o.type=1 AND; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_sort_dist (ANYARRAY) RETURNS ANYARRAY LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT ARRAY( SELECT DISTINCT $1[s.i] AS "sort" FROM generate_series(array_lower($1,1), array_upper($1,1)) AS s(i) ORDER BY sort ); $$ IMMUTABLE; -- CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_object_states() RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'tmp_object_state_change' AND relkind = 'r' AND pg_table_is_visible(oid) ) THEN CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_object_state_change ( object_id INTEGER, new_states INTEGER[], old_states INTEGER[] ); ELSE TRUNCATE tmp_object_state_change; END IF; INSERT INTO tmp_object_state_change SELECT st.object_id, st.states AS new_states, COALESCE(o.states,'{}') AS old_states FROM ( SELECT * FROM domain_states UNION SELECT * FROM contact_states UNION SELECT * FROM nsset_states ) AS st LEFT JOIN object_state_now o ON (st.object_id=o.object_id) WHERE array_sort_dist(st.states)!=COALESCE(array_sort_dist(o.states),'{}'); INSERT INTO object_state (object_id,state_id,valid_from) SELECT c.object_id,,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM tmp_object_state_change c, enum_object_states e WHERE = ANY(c.new_states) AND != ALL(c.old_states); UPDATE object_state SET valid_to=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM enum_object_states e, tmp_object_state_change c WHERE = ANY(c.old_states) AND != ALL(c.new_states) AND and c.object_id=object_state.object_id AND object_state.valid_to ISNULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;