On 30 Dec 2016 23:02, "Jaromir Talir" <jaromir.talir@nic.cz> wrote:
What exactly are the requirements? 

Well, our board really wants to allow people to register names with faroese accidentals - described previously.
  The customer problem is, that while some names like ámund.joensen.fo work perfectly for our customers, names like joensen.ámund.fo do not, because of the 'á'.
  The ultimative test would be an acceptance of registering the name 'áýúíóæøåðÁÝÚÍÓÆØÅÐ.fo'. This is to be understood as a string of UTF8 chars, which is equivalent to any upper/lower case combination of the same UTF8 chars.
  In our case, any other non-ASCII chars of UTF8 should be rejected .... I suppose that we as a ccTLD are authorized to decide on which chars are acceptable :-)
  A short explanation might be that we need to expand the ASCII characters just a few bits, pr. ccTLD.

Regards Torkil