Dear Jaromir.
thanks for ur support, I run the yum install boost-devel and run the ./fred-manager start and got the following message:

# ./fred-manager start
  Starting PostgreSQL                                        [FAILED]
  mkdir: cannot create directory `/root/root/nofred/omniNames/': No such file or directory
  Cannot open error log file: /root/root/nofred/omniNames.log

 usage: omniNames [-start [<port>]]
                 [-logdir <directory name>]
                 [-errlog <file name>]

Use -start option to start omniNames for the first time.
With no <port> argument, the standard default of 2809 is used.

Use -logdir option to specify the directory where the log/data files are kept.

Use -nohostname to suppress the inclusion of the hostname in the log files.

Use -errlog option to specify where standard error output is redirected.

Use -ignoreport option to ignore the port specification when determining
the end points to listen on, using -ORBendPoint arguments instead.

You can also set the environment variable OMNINAMES_LOGDIR to specify the
directory where the log/data files are kept.

Starting omniNames...                                      [  OK  ]
./fred-manager: line 550: /root/root/etc/init.d/fred-server: No such file or directory
Starting Apache...                                         [FAILED]
./fred-manager: line 552: /root/root/etc/init.d/fred-webadmin-server: No such file or directory

I checked  the httpd, omniNames and postgres services status and found them running.
Thank again for your support.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Jaromir Talir via RT <> wrote:

you have to install boost libraries:

yum install boost-devel

hope it will help.

If you will have another questions, you can use our list
There is an archive of emails where you can find some valuable


Edouard M.
rw ccTLD Administrator
Mob: 250 08352776
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